
HTML+TIME 2.0 Reference

This topic documents a feature of HTML+TIME 2.0, which is obsolete as of Windows Internet Explorer 9.

HTML+TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions), first released in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, adds timing and media synchronization support to HTML pages. Using a few XML-based elements and attributes, you can add images, video, and sounds to an HTML page, then synchronize them with HTML text elements over a specified amount of time.

Thus, HTML+TIME technology allows you to create multimedia-rich, interactive content on a Web page with little or no scripting. Because HTML+TIME adds timing to a document through new attributes on existing HTML elements, you can use your existing HTML knowledge when you add timing to a page. The HTML+TIME attributes specify when an element appears on a page, how long it remains displayed, and how the surrounding HTML elements are affected, allowing you to create animation effects. In addition to the attributes, some new XML-based elements have been created to simplify the incorporation of media into Web pages.

The topic areas listed below provide access to the object model exposed by the time2 behavior.

HTML+TIME References by Topic

Animation Introduction to HTML+TIME allows Web authors to animate content on the page by changing the value of particular attributes and properties over time. Without using script, you can animate an element's color; move an element along a specific path or between intervals; cause elements to appear or disappear over time or in response to events; or accelerate, reverse, or loop an animation.
Microsoft DirectMusic Authors can add sophisticated musical content to Web pages by combining the timeline control and synchronization offered by Introduction to HTML+TIME with some of the attributes and properties provided by the DirectMusic API. DirectMusic provides support for MIDI, downloadable sounds, and consistent playback on the Windows platform.
Media Introduction to HTML+TIME provides extensive support for media playback through media container elements, a unified timeline model, a variety of media-specific attributes and properties, and system test attributes. These features make it simpler for Web authors to provide tightly synchronized multimedia presentations, and to coordinate media and animation without using script.
Time Containers By providing a timing model that unifies a rigid timeline with event-based timing relationships, Introduction to HTML+TIME makes it easy to synchronize media elements, control animations, and add timed, interactive content to a Web page without using script.
Transitions Introduction to HTML+TIME provides support for Introduction to Filters and Transitions, which allow you to apply multimedia-style effects to your Web pages. Visual filters are extensions to CSS properties that change the display of an object's contents. Transitions are time-varying filters: they affect the way content changes in an object are displayed. You can apply visual filters and transitions to standard HTML controls, such as text containers, images, and other windowless objects. Although filters and transitions can be implemented as script, Introduction to HTML+TIME allows Web authors to combine filters and transitions with timeline control and animation without using script.
Other Features These links provide access to additional features of the object model exposed by the time2 behavior, including content control elements, system test attributes, timing attributes and properties, and several overviews on Introduction to HTML+TIME functionality.

HTML+TIME Overviews and Articles

Introduction to HTML+TIME HTML+TIME, first released in Internet Explorer 5, adds timing and media synchronization support to HTML pages. Using a few XML-based elements and attributes, you can add images, video, and sounds to an HTML page, and synchronize them with HTML text elements over a specified amount of time.
Basics of HTML+TIME Animation This article introduces you to the basics of HTML+TIME animation, so that you can create an exciting Web experience for your users.
Controlling Child Elements Using HTML+TIME: Time Containers HTML+TIME 2.0 comes equipped with three time containers that enable you to control how timed interactive child elements behave on your Web pages. These time containers enforce time relationships with their corresponding child elements, control the amount of time that children may be active, and define the relationships among a set of grouped child elements.
About Content Selection: System Test Attributes and t:SWITCH HTML+TIME 2.0 provides authors with the option to display different elements based on system settings.
Incorporate the time2 Behavior This tutorial explains how to incorporate the time2 behavior in your Web pages so you can begin using timelines, multimedia, and animation with HTML elements.
Initiating Timed Elements with the begin Attribute This overview provides you with the syntax for the begin attribute and describes how to initiate timed interactive HTML+TIME elements using the time2 behavior implemented in Internet Explorer 5.5.
Getting Started with HTML+TIME HTML+TIME enables you to support timed, animated, and multimedia content in your pages. Using a few XML-based elements and attributes, you can synchronize media playback with text and other elements and animate content in your Web pages without using script.
Spice Up Your Web Pages with HTML+TIME HTML+TIME provides a declarative means for adding multimedia and interactivity to Web pages. You don't need to know script to use HTML+TIME, so you can focus on creating the content instead of learning a programming language.
Using HTML+TIME Transitions It is now possible to create transitions with HTML+TIME quickly, without writing script. To get started, you need only learn one new HTML+TIME element called t:TRANSITIONFILTER and a few of the t:TRANSITIONFILTER attributes.

HTML+TIME References by Name

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the HTML+TIME 2.0 Reference object.

Attribute Property Description

Gets a description of the media file.


Gets the Abstract content of the entry banner in an Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file by using the event object.

ACCELERATE accelerate

Sets or gets a value that applies an acceleration to an element timeline.

ACCUMULATE accumulate

Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the animation is cumulative.


Gets the total duration of the timeline.


Gets the current point in time along the total active timeline, including repeats and time spent in reverse mode.


Sets the active track or gets the active playItem object in the playList collection.

ADDITIVE additive

Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the animation is additive with other animations.


Sets or gets the name of the element attribute to animate.


Gets the name of the media file author.


Sets or gets whether the timeline on an element begins playing in reverse immediately after it completes in the forward direction.


Gets the banner content of an entry in an ASX file.


Gets the Banner content of an entry in an ASX file using the event object.


Gets the bannerAbstract content of an entry in an ASX file.


Gets the bannerMoreInfo content of an entry in an ASX file.

BEGIN begin

Sets or gets the delay time before the timeline begins playing on the element.


Sets when music should begin to play by using DirectMusic.


Gets a value that indicates the current percent of buffering completed.

BY by

Sets or gets a relative offset value for an animation.

BY by

Specifies a relative offset value for the progress of the transitionFilter element.

BY by

Sets or gets a relative offset value by which to animate a color attribute or property with the t:ANIMATECOLOR element.


Sets or gets the interpolation mode for the animation.


Sets or gets the interpolation mode for the progress of the transitionFilter element.


Sets or gets the interpolation mode for the animateMotion object.


Sets or gets the interpolation mode for a t:ANIMATECOLOR element.


Gets a value that indicates whether the media file can be paused.


Gets a value that indicates whether the media file is capable of locating a specific time in the media's duration.


Sets or gets the beginning point of a sub-clip of a continuous media object.


Sets or Gets the end point of a sub-clip of a continuous media object.


Gets the copyright information associated with a media file.


Gets a value that indicates the currentFrame of the object.

DECELERATE decelerate

Sets or gets a value that applies a deceleration to the end of a simple duration.


Gets a value that indicates the current number of bytes downloaded from streaming content.


Gets a value that indicates the current percent of download completed.


Gets a value that indicates the total size (in bytes) of the downloaded file.

DUR dur

Sets or gets a value indicating the amount of time the element remains active or displayed.

DUR dur

Sets or gets a value indicating the amount of time that a transition is applied to an element.


Gets the playing-time length of the current playList or playItem, if the length is known.


Gets a value that indicates the earliest time for efficient seeking.


Retrieves the dispatch for an animated element.

END end

Sets or gets a value indicating the end time for the element, or the end of the simple duration when the element is set to repeat.


Sets or gets the synchronization rule that specifies which child element is used to determine when the time container ends.

FILL fill

Sets or gets the action taken by an element if the element timeline ends before the timeline on its parent element ends.

FROM from

Sets or gets the starting value of an animation.

FROM from

Sets or gets a progress value indicating the point from which to begin the transition.

FROM from

Sets or gets the starting value of a color attribute or property animated by t:ANIMATECOLOR.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the media contains audio.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a media file has started to download.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the element is an Introduction to HTML+TIME media element.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the element has a playList collection.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the element can draw on the screen.

higher higher

Controls how elements with higher priority interrupt child elements of a priorityClass element.

Controls how elements with higher priority interrupt child elements of a priorityClass element.

Sets a value that indicates whether a DirectMusic segment ends immediately or plays a transition before ending.


Retrieves the index value of the playItem object in the playList collection.


Gets a value that indicates whether the element is currently active on the timeline.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether DirectMusic is installed on the machine.


Retrieves whether direct music is installed.


Gets a value indicating whether the element's audio is currently muted.


Gets a value that specifies whether the element is active or holding on the timeline in its current state.


Gets a value that specifies whether the element is paused on the timeline.


Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the source of the media object is streamed.

Gets a Boolean value that indicates if the source of the media object is streamed.

Sets or gets a set of Bezier control points that define the interval pacing of an animation.


Sets or gets a list of time values used to control the pacing of an animation.


Gets a value that indicates the latest time for efficient seeking.


Gets the number of objects in a collection.


Sets or gets the number of objects in a collection.


Sets whether to allow introduction and ending transitions longer than one bar with DirectMusic.

lower lower

Controls how elements that are defined with lower priority interrupt child elements of a priorityClass element.


Gets the duration of the element's media file.


Gets the height of the element.


Gets the width of the element.


Gets the MIME type of the object.

MODE mode

Sets or gets a variable that indicates whether an element transitions in or out.

Sets or gets a variable that indicates whether an element transitions in or out.

Sets whether to attempt to modulate between keys when playing transitions with DirectMusic.


Gets the MoreInfo content of an entry banner in an ASX file through the event object.


Sets the name of the DirectMusic motif to play.

MUTE mute

Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the audio is turned on or off.

ORIGIN origin Sets or gets the origin of motion for the animation.

Gets the begin time of the current element as an offset from the begin time of the parent element.


Gets the end time of the current element as an offset from the begin time of the parent element.

PATH path

Sets or retrieves a set of values that describe a path as a function of time.

peers peers

Controls how child elements of a priorityClass element interrupt one another.

PLAYER player

Sets or gets the object used to render the media associated with this element.


Gets the object that plays media files.


Gets the current progress of the element timeline.


Gets the rating of the media file.


Gets the current iteration in the repetition loop.

REPEATCOUNT repeatCount Sets or gets the number of times an element timeline repeats.

Sets or gets the number of seconds that an element timeline repeats.

Sets or gets the number of seconds that an element timeline repeats.
RESTART restart

Sets or gets the conditions under which an element can be restarted on a timeline.


Gets the duration of an element on a timeline in seconds, including autoReverse.


Gets the current point in time along a segment of time.


Sets whether to play a DirectMusic segment as a controlling segment or a secondary segment.


Gets the duration of a repeat iteration.


Gets an object's current point along its timeline from zero to its dur value.

SPEED speed

Sets or gets the playback speed of an element relative to its parent time container.


Gets the playback speed of an element at run time, which includes the cascading effect of the speed set for the parent time container.

SRC src

Sets or gets the source URL of the media.


Gets the source URL of the media.


Gets the current state of the element timeline.


Gets the current state of the element timeline.

SUBTYPE subtype

Sets or gets the name of the subtype that will be applied to the transition.


Sets or gets a value that indicates the synchronization rules for the element timeline.


Sets or gets whether the time container must synchronize playback to this element.


Sets or gets the time variance that is allowed on a timeline with locked synchronization.


Gets the approximate bandwidth available to the system in bits-per-second.


Indicates whether to display a text equivalent of the audio portion of the presentation.


Indicates whether a given language is selected in a user's system preferences.


Specifies whether overdubs or subtitles render during a presentation.


Sets or gets the target element to be animated.


Sets or gets the action that is taken on the element while the timeline is active.


Sets or gets the type of timeline associated with an element.


Gets the parent time container element of the current element.


Gets the title of the media file.

TO to

Sets or retrieves the ending value of an animation.

TO to

Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the point in the transition's progress at which the transition ends.

TO to

Sets or retrieves the ending value of a color attribute or property animated by t:ANIMATECOLOR.


Sets or gets the type of DirectMusic transition to use between segments.

TYPE type

Sets or gets the MIME type of the media object referenced by the SRC attribute.

TYPE type

Sets or gets the type of transition to be applied.

Sets or gets the type of transition to be applied.

Sets or gets a value that indicates how the object is to be updated.

Sets or gets a value that indicates how the object is to be updated.

Gets the URL specified by the Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) file script command after the onURLFlip event is fired.

Gets the URL specified by the ASF file script command after the onURLFlip event is fired.
VALUES values

Sets or retrieves a list of values of an animation.

VALUES values

Sets or retrieves a list of one or more values specifying the progress of the transition.

VALUES values

Sets or retrieves a list of RGB color values for a t:ANIMATECOLOR element.

VOLUME volume

Sets or gets the volume of the media file.


Gets the playback volume of an element at run time.

Collection Description

Returns a reference to the collection of all top-level child elements of the object that are currently active on the timeline.


Retrieves a collection of playItem objects.


Retrieves a reference to the collection of all timed elements.


Retrieves a reference to the collection of all timed, top-level children elements.

Element Object Description
t:ANIMATE animate

Animates a specified attribute of an object.

t:ANIMATECOLOR animateColor

Changes the color of an object over time.

t:ANIMATEMOTION animateMotion

Animates the position of an element over time.

t:ANIMATION animation

Defines a timed animation element in an HTML document.

t:AUDIO audio

Defines a timed audio element in an HTML document.


Contains information about an HTML+TIME timeline.

t:EXCL excl

Defines a time container that allows only one child element to play at any given time.

t:IMG img

Defines a timed image element in an HTML document.

t:MEDIA media

Defines a generic, timed media element in an HTML document.

t:PAR par

Defines a new timeline container in an HTML document for independently timed elements.


Represents an individual media file in a playList collection.

t:PRIORITYCLASS priorityClass

Defines a group of excl children and the pause/interrupt behavior of the children.

t:REF ref

Defines a reference to a generic timed element in an HTML document.

t:SEQ seq

Defines a new timeline container in an HTML document for sequentially timed elements.

t:SET set

Sets the value of an object's attribute for a specified duration.

t:SWITCH switch

Enables you to provide several choices and display content depending on which choice is true on the user's computer.

t:TRANSITIONFILTER transitionFilter

Animates the progress of a transition on an element or elements with renderable content.

t:VIDEO video

Defines a timed video element in an HTML document.

Event Description

Fires when the timeline starts on an element.


Fires when the timeline stops on an element.


Fires when the element's associated media finish loading.

Fires when the element's associated media finish loading.

Fires when an element's media file causes any error.


Fires when the element loses synchronization with its associated timeline.


Fires when the timeline on an element pauses.


Fires when the timeline repeats on an element, beginning with the second iteration.


Fires when the timeline reaches the value of the BEGIN attribute or when the resetElement method is called on the element.


Fires when an element's timeline resumes from a paused state.


Fires when the timeline on an element begins to play backward.


Fires whenever a seek operation is performed on the element.


Fires when synchronization is resumed between the element and its associated timeline.


Fires whenever a time-specific error occurs, usually as a result of setting a property to an invalid value.


The event fires when a track changes in a playList defined in an ASX file.


This event fires when an ASF file, played by a HTML+TIME media tag, processes script commands embedded in the ASF file.

Method Description

Converts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the parent timeline.


Converts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the segment timeline.


Adds a fragment to the composer site. Consults the registered composer factories to find the proper composer.


Starts the element on the timeline.


Starts an element's timeline at the specified time.


Activates the currently-selected button.


Notifies the fragment to detach itself from the animation composer.

Notifies the fragment to detach itself from the animation composer.

Converts a value in the document timeline to the corresponding point in the element's parent timeline.


Stops the element on the timeline.


Ends an element's timeline at the specified time.


Enumerates the fragments on the composer registered for the given attribute name.


Retrieves an animated attribute's current value.


Navigates to menu.


Inserts a fragment into the composer site at the specified index.


Retrieves an object from the specified collection by index.


Retrieves an object from the element collection by name or index.


Retrieves the playItem object at the specified index from the current playList collection.


Selects the button to the left of the current button.


Selects the button below the current button.


Advances the timeline so that the next element in the sequence begins playing.


Advances the media-playing container to the next playItem object in the playList collection and begins playing that track.

Advances the media-playing container to the next playItem object in the playList collection and begins playing that track.

Converts a value in the parent timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline.


Converts a value in the element's parent timeline to the corresponding point in the document timeline.


Stops playing an element's timeline at the current point.


Resets the timeline so that the previous element in the sequence begins playing.


Sets the media-playing container to the previous playItem object in the playList collection and begins playing that track.

Sets the media-playing container to the previous playItem object in the playList collection and begins playing that track.

Registers a new composer factory with this site.


Removes a fragment from the composer site.


Removes any changes made to the element and returns the element to its original state.


Restarts the element's timeline from a paused state.


Selects the button to the right of the current button.


Locates a specified point on the element's active timeline and begins playing from that point.

Locates a specified point on the element's active timeline and begins playing from that point.

Locates the specified point on the element's segment timeline, and begins playing from that point.


Locates a specified point on the element's segment timeline, including repetitions, and begins playing from that point.


Locates a specified frame in the object.


Converts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline.


Converts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's simple timeline.


Sets the current playItem object as the active track in the playList collection, which causes the track to play.


Converts a value in the element's simple timeline to the corresponding point in the element's segment timeline.


Retrieves a subcollection containing only the elements of this collection that have the specified tag name.


Unregisters a composer factory on this site.


Selects the button above the current button.