initProgressEvent method
Initializes the value of a ProgressEvent object.
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HRESULT retVal = object.initProgressEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, lengthComputable, loadedArg, totalArg);
typeArg [in]
Type: DOMStringThe value of this parameter must be one of the following values.
Value Meaning loadstart An operation has started.
progress An operation is in progress.
error The operation failed to complete.
abort The operation was cancelled.
load The operation completed successfully.
canBubbleArg [in]
Type: booleanSpecifies whether an event bubbles.
Value Meaning true The event bubbles.
false The event does not bubble.
cancelableArg [in]
Type: booleanSpecifies whether an event can be cancelled.
Value Meaning true The event can be canceled.
false The event cannot be canceled.
lengthComputable [in]
Type: booleanIndicates whether the value of the IDOMProgressEvent::total attribute of the ProgressEvent is accurate.
Value Meaning true The value of IDOMProgressEvent::total is reliable.
false The value of IDOMProgressEvent::total is not reliable.
loadedArg [in]
Type: integerSpecifies the number of bytes already loaded or zero if not known.
totalArg [in]
Type: integerSpecifies the number of bytes to be loaded. If lengthComputable is false, this must be zero ("0").
Return value
This method can return one of these values.