GetSize method
Enables a behavior to use in the layout process.
HRESULT retVal = object.GetSize(dwFlags, sizeContent, pptTranslateBy, pptTopLeft, psizeProposed);
dwFlags [in]
Type: LONGA BEHAVIOR_LAYOUT_MODE enumeration that specifies the layout mode.
sizeContent [in]
Type: SIZEA SIZE that specifies the dimensions of the content during rendering.
pptTranslateBy [in, out]
Type: POINTA pointer to a POINT structure that specifies the amount to translate the rendered behavior.
pptTopLeft [in, out]
Type: POINTA pointer to a POINT structure that specifies the upper-left corner of the rendered behavior.
psizeProposed [in, out]
Type: SIZEA pointer to a SIZE structure that specifies the proposed size of the behavior.
Return value
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.