CreateWithImplementation method
Invoked by MSHTML when an element behavior is created in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and later versions.
HRESULT retVal = object.CreateWithImplementation(pNamespace, bstrImplementation);
pNamespace [in]
Type: IElementNamespaceA pointer to the IElementNamespace that owns the element behavior.
bstrImplementation [in]
Type: BSTRThe implementation name for the behavior or the URN, for a host-provided namespace. This value can also be NULL.
Return value
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
IElementNamespaceFactory2::CreateWithImplementation was introduced in Internet Explorer 6.
If the IElementNamespaceFactory2 interface is implemented by the host, the CreateWithImplementation method is called by MSHTML instead of IElementNamespaceFactory::Create.