
DXPtrFillInfo structure

Describes a fill operation that should be performed on procedural surfaces. It is used by the CDXBaseARGBPtr::FillSamples function.


typedef struct DXPtrFillInfo {
  DXBASESAMPLE  *pSamples;
  unsigned long cSamples;
  unsigned long x;
  unsigned long y;
  BOOL          bPremult;
} DXPtrFillInfo;


  • pSamples
    Pointer to the memory location to fill.

  • cSamples
    Value of type unsigned long that indicates the number of samples to fill.

  • x
    Value of type unsigned long that indicates the position along the x-axis within the coordinate space of the procedural surfaces. This is used for horizontal pattern alignment.

  • y
    Value of type unsigned long that indicates the position along the y-axis within the coordinate space of the procedural surfaces. This is used for vertical pattern alignment.

  • bPremult
    Value of type BOOL that specifies whether the samples being written should be alpha premultiplied. If TRUE, the output samples are in PMARGB32 format; if FALSE, the output format is ARGB32.


Minimum supported client

Windows XP

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server



See also