MoveToPoint method
Moves this display pointer to the specified coordinates on a page.
HRESULT retVal = object.MoveToPoint(ptPoint, eCoordSystem, pElementContext, dwHitTestOptions, pdwHitTestResults);
ptPoint [in]
Type: POINTA POINT structure that specifies the new coordinates for the display pointer.
eCoordSystem [in]
Type: COORD_SYSTEMA COORD_SYSTEM enumeration that specifies the coordinate system to use as a frame of reference for defining the location of ptPoint.
pElementContext [in]
Type: IHTMLElementA pointer to an IHTMLElement interface for the element that specifies the placement of the coordinate system.
dwHitTestOptions [in]
Type: DWORDA DWORD that specifies an optional HT_OPTIONS enumeration flag to indicate where IDisplayPointer::MoveToPoint should place the pointer, if ptPoint is to the right of a line where an element ends.
pdwHitTestResults [out]
Type: DWORDA DWORD that specifies an HT_RESULTS enumeration value to indicate where the display pointer was placed.
Return value
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
IDisplayPointer::MoveToPoint handles display pointer placement for points that occur to the right of a line where an element ends in two different ways, depending on the dwHitTestOptions flag. For such points, when the flag is not set (dwHitTestOptions = 0), a display pointer is placed at the end of the line, but in the element containing the line. If the flag is set (dwHitTestOptions = HT_OPT_AllowAfterEOL), the display pointer is placed at the end of the line and immediately outside the element containing the line.