TransformRect method
Changes a rectangle's relative frame of reference from one coordinate system to another.
HRESULT retVal = object.TransformRect(pRect, eSource, eDestination, pIElement);
pRect [in, out]
Type: RECTA pointer to a variable of type RECT that specifies the rectangle to transform and receives the new rectangle after transformation.
eSource [in]
Type: COORD_SYSTEMA COORD_SYSTEM value that specifies the current frame of reference for the rectangle.
eDestination [in]
Type: COORD_SYSTEMA COORD_SYSTEM value that specifies the new frame of reference to which the rectangle's current coordinates should be transformed. This parameter cannot be set to COORD_SYSTEM_CONTENT.
pIElement [in]
Type: IHTMLElementA pointer to an IHTMLElement interface that specifies the relative element when eSource is set to COORD_SYSTEM_CONTENT.
Return value
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.