
VoiceMixerMid, VoiceMixerPid, VoiceMixerLineID

The VoiceMixerMid, VoiceMixerPid, and VoiceMixerLineID entries identify the mixer control that is used to control the speakerphone volume. These entries are optional. They are used if the speakerphone volume is controlled through a multimedia mixer device.


One WORD value for Mid and Pid. One DWORD value for LineID.


HKR,, VoiceMixerMid,        1,02,00
HKR,, VoiceMixerPid,        1,99,01
HKR,, VoiceMixerLineID,    1,00,00,05,00


VoiceMixerMid is the manufacturer ID (MID) of the mixer device.

VoiceMixerPid is the product ID (PID) of the mixer device.

VoiceMixerLineID is the line ID of the volume control.

When the TAPI line is initialized, Unimodem looks for a volume control on this mixer line. If the volume is set to the minimum level, Unimodem will move the volume to the maximum.

When the speakerphone is enabled, the control is not muted. When the speakerphone is disabled, the control is muted. When the TAPI line is closed, this control is not muted.

Unimodem does not use the mixer at any other time. It is not used to control the speakerphone volume. Speakerphone volume is set through the SpeakerPhoneSetVolumeGain command.

Setting Wave Driver MID, PID, and Mixer Ids

To set the wave driver MID, PID, and mixer IDsx

  1. Install and run MixApp.

    MIXAPP is a sample application included in the Microsoft Windows SDK. For MIXAPP to work correctly, the sound card driver must be installed. Also, make sure the mixer is listed in the title bar.

    1. Run the Mixer Driver command from the File menu of the MIXAPP application to display the Mid (manufacturer ID) and Pid (product ID). Convert these values to the hexadecimal format.
    2. In the MIXAPP main window, find the output (speakers, Wave out) listing for the mixer control that is the modem volume and note its line ID.
  2. Convert the ID formats and insert them into the main modem INF file.

    You will need to edit three entries in the INF file.

Editing the VoiceMixerMid Item

The general format of a VoiceMixerMid entry in a modem INF file is:

HKR,, VoiceMixerMid, 1, xx, yy

where yy is the HIGH 2 digits of the hexadecimal MID, and xx is the LOW 2 digits of the hexadecimal MID.

For example, if MID = 144, the hexadecimal format of that MID is 0x0090, so xx = 90 and yy = 00. The INF file entry would be coded as:

HKR,, VoiceMixerMid, 1, 90, 00

Editing the VoiceMixerPid Item

The general format of a VoiceMixerpid item in a modem INF file is:

HKR,, VoiceMixerPid, 1, xx, yy

where xx and yy have the same meaning as in the VoiceMixerMid item. Use the same procedure to edit the VoiceMixerPid as previously described for editing the VoiceMixerMid.

Editing the VoiceMixerLineID Entry

The general format of a VoiceMixerLineID entry in a modem INF file is:

HKR,, VoiceMixerLineID, 1, ww, xx, yy, zz

where ww, xx, yy, and zz express the hexadecimal value of the mixer line ID in hexadecimal format, LSB to MSB. For example, if the mixer line ID = 0x00040000, then ww = 00, xx = 00, yy = 04, and zz = 00. The INF file entry would be coded as:

HKR,, VoiceMixerLineID, 1, 00, 00, 04, 00

See also




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