
Modifying the add-registry-sections of SmpData.inf

This section does not describe how to configure every possible modem feature. You must determine the capabilities of your modem and adapt the content of these sample INF sections to your modem. To determine which items to add, delete, or modify in these add-registry-sections, see Modem INF File Entries.

The SmpData.inf file includes the following add-registry-sections:

  • All
    Defines the registry entries that are common to all modems installed by the INF file.

  • MfgAddReg
    Defines the registry entries which are common to all modems made by Microsoft that can be installed by the INF file.

  • <ModemN>.AddReg
    Defines the registry entries that are specific to each modem.

The relationships between these add-registry-sections are established by INF entries similar those in the following example, which specifies the Manufacturer section, Models section, and add-registry-section for Modem1:

%Microsoft% = Microsoft

%Modem1% = Modem1, SERENUM\MSFT5600
%Modem1% = Modem1, *MSFT5600

AddReg=All, MfgAddReg, Modem1.AddReg, EXTERNAL, 56K.RESP

The preceding example shows the structure for Modem1. Similar structures are required for additional modems.

SmpData.inf specifies only one manufacturer: Microsoft. Additional manufacturers can be added in the Manufacturers section. Also "Microsoft" can be changed to "Models" or something appropriate to your application. For more information, see Modifying the Manufacturer Section and Modifying the Models Section.

The following sections contain additional information about modifying the modem INF add-registry-sections to support data modem features. The features documented here are the features that are most likely to require changes or that otherwise require special attention. For information about how to configure additional features, see Modem INF File Entries.



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