

The ISDN\Init entry defines the commands that are sent to initialize the ISDN modem.


The following are valid forms for this entry:


The following example demonstrates the use of the ISDN\Init entry.

HKR, ISDN\Init, 1,, "AT E0<cr>"
HKR, ISDN\Init, 2,, "AT V1<cr>"

The following example demonstrates another use of the ISDN\Init entry.

HKR, ISDN\Init, 1,, "AT E0V1<cr>"


This entry should not include commands that affect the switch type, EAZs, MSN, or the protocol to dial. The modem should not be in an auto-answer state following the issuing of these commands.

The format of the entries allows long initialization commands to be issued by breaking command lines down into two or more separately issued lines.



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