
ModelNumber element

The ModelNumber element specifies the model or part number of the device as defined by the manufacturer




There are no attributes.

Text value

A string that contains up between 1 and 200 printable characters inclusive.

Child elements

There are no child elements.

Parent elements

Element Description


The DeviceInfo element is the parent element of the DeviceInfo XML schema.


<xs:element name ="ModelNumber" type ="tns:GenericNameType" minOccurs="0"/>


The ModelNumber element specifies the model or part number of the device as defined by the manufacturer.

The data type for the ModelNumber element is the GenericNameType XML simple type. A string of up to 200 printable characters can specify this information.

The model or part number should be a device-neutral number or string. It must be a unique identifier of the device generally and not of a single device in particular. Because it is device-neutral, device-specific identifiers, such as serial numbers or other device-specific numbers, should not be used.

The ModelNumber element is optional.

See also

Device Metadata Packages

DeviceInfo XML Schema





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