
HCK API Samples

This section describes sample code that you can use to access the Windows Hardware Certification Kit (Windows HCK) API.

In this section:

Topic Details

Hello World

This code sample is a basic introduction to how to create a project, run tests, and create a package.

List Projects

This code sample lists all projects in a controller and prints basic information about each.

Target Families

This code sample shows how to create target families and run tests against them.

Creating a Package

This code sample describes the steps of creating a package from a project.

Extracting Log Files from a Package

This code sample shows you how to extract log files from a package.


This code sample shows how to apply filters to a project and retrieve filters from a project.

Machine Pool Growth

This sample uses the Machine Pool Growth feature to add and automatically redistribute tests to targets after a test has been scheduled.

Manage Tests

This code sample shows how to enumerate, retrieve and schedule tests in a project.

Manage Machine State

The following code sample shows how to manage machine stated.

Multi-Device Tests

This code sample shows how to run multi-device tests.

Project Definition File schema

This sample defines the format of the Project Definition File.

Schedule Information

This sample shows the usage of the DistributionOption enumeration and the new test metadata flags.

Test Collection File schema

This sample defines the format of the Test Collection File.


Resource Files

The samples in this section require the following resource files. Install the HCK to obtain these files. To use the DLLs in your Visual Studio project, click Project, click Add Reference, and then click Browse to navigate to each file.

  • microsoft.windows.kits.hardware.logging.dll

  • microsoft.windows.kits.hardware.objectmodel.dbconnection.dll

  • microsoft.windows.kits.hardware.objectmodel.dll

  • microsoft.windows.kits.hardware.objectmodel.submission.dll

  • Microsoft.WTT.Diagnostics.dll

  • WTTOMBase.dll

  • WTTOMDimension.dll

  • WTTOMFeature.dll

  • WTTOMIdentity.dll

  • WTTOMJobs.dll

  • WTTOMParameter.dll

  • WTTOMResource.dll

  • WTTOMSQLProvider.dll



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