
Troubleshoot WLAN SimpleIO plugin failures that are logged by Device Fundamentals tests

Device Fundamentals tests in Windows Hardware Certification Kit (Windows HCK) and Windows Drivers Kit (WDK) use Windows Device Testing Framework (WDTF)SimpleIO plugins to test device-specific IO when they run. If a WDTF plugin exists for the type of device being tested, then the tests use the IWDTFSimpleIOStressAction2 interface to test I/O on the device.

This article contains information that can help with troubleshooting failures that are logged by the WDTF WLAN SimpleIO plug-in when it is used to test IO on wireless network adapters during device and system testing in WDK and Windows HCK.

Configuration requirements

The WLAN SimpleIO plug-in requires a basic WPA2-PSK wireless network that uses AES that it can connect to when it runs. The SSID and password of the wireless network must be passed in as parameters to the tests that require them. These parameters are named as follows in the tests that require them: Wpa2PskAesSsid and Wpa2PskPassword. The default values of the two parameters are kitstestssid and password, respectively.

Test coverage overview

The WLAN SimpleIO plug-in performs the following tests on the wireless adapter under test:

  1. Finds the Wlan interface that is under test by calling the WlanEnumInterfaces function.

  2. Deletes the test profile that is named WDTFWlanTestProfile (if it exists) by calling the WlanGetProfile() function and the WlanDeleteProfile() function.

  3. Creates a new test profile named WDTFWlanTestProfile by calling the WlanSetProfile() function and by using a profile XML. The profile uses the SSID and password of the wireless network as input parameters to the test.

  4. Connects to the newly created profile by calling the WlanConnect() function. Expect to receive a connect complete notification in 30 seconds.

  5. Checks for connectivity by calling the INetworkListManager::GetConnectivity method of the Network List Manager API, and looks for NLM_CONNECTIVITY enumeration NLM_CONNECTIVITY_IPV4_INTERNET or NLM_CONNECTIVITY_IPV4_LOCALNETWORK flags to be set. The plug-in calls the GetConnectivity() function several times (if required) as it waits for a connection, before it eventually times out and reports an error.

  6. Calls the GetAdaptersInfo() function to determine the gateway address that corresponds to the test adapter.

  7. Opens an ICMP handle by calling IcmpCreateFile() function, and calls an internal function in a loop for several minutes that pings the IPv4 gateway address (by using the IcmpSendEcho() function with one-second timeout) 500 times each time it is called, and logs an error message if at any time it is called, the failure rate is >10%.

  8. Disconnects from the network by calling the WlanDisconnect() function.

  9. Deletes the test profile by calling the WlanGetProfile() function and the WlanDeleteProfile() function.

Troubleshooting guidance

Identify failures that are logged by the WLAN SimpleIO plugin

The error messages logged by the plug-in will contain the text “WirelessPlugin:”. The text that immediately follows “WirelessPlugin:” provides more context about the errors. For example:

WDTF_SIMPLE_IO            : ERROR :  - Open(802.11n USB Wireless LAN Card USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX\5&35DEE9D9&0&5 ) Failed : WirelessPlugin: ConnectToTestProfile() - Failed to connect to test profile; Reason string: "The specific network is not available." HRESULT=0x80004005

General troubleshooting guidance

We recommend that you follow troubleshooting steps in the listed order:

  1. Review the test documentation to understand the test scenario.

  2. Review Test coverage overview to understand how the plugin tests a device or driver.

  3. Carefully review log entries that precede the error message, and the error message itself, to understand the test scenario and the reason for the failure.

  4. Troubleshoot the router setup. Make sure that you can manually connect to the router, that you can ping the gateway address after making the connection, and that the router is in range to the test computer. If the router fails any of these tests, reset the router.

  5. Enable tracing in the test driver and review driver traces from the time when the test logged the error(s).

  6. Enable WLAN OS tracing and review traces that are logged from the time when the logged the error(s). For more information about WLAN OS tracing, see Tools for Troubleshooting using Network Tracing in Windows 7.

In some cases, it is helpful to run the failing test manually from a command line (without using Windows HCK or WDK), and then reviewing the plug-in’s WPP traces. See How to run tests from the command line and View WLAN plug-in traces.

How to run tests from the command line

We recommend that you use a Windows HCK Client to run tests manually because Windows HCK clients have WDTF installed on them. Follow the steps in Troubleshooting Device Fundamentals Reliability Testing by using the Windows HCK. Enable Driver Verifier on Ndis.sys and the test Wi-Fi driver.

View WLAN plug-in traces

The WLAN plugin uses WPP tracing to trace information and errors that you might find useful when you investigate failures that are logged by the WLAN plug-in. See Collect and View Windows Device Testing Framework (WDTF) Traces for instructions on how to collect and view WDTF traces.


WDTF_Action_SimpleIO_Wireless is the name of the provider that you can use for filtering.


Sample trace output

                               <--this(047BB318):?FinalConstruct@CWirelessImpl@@QEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                               o->this(047BB318):?SetTarget@CWirelessImpl@@UEAAJPEAUITarget@@UtagVARIANT@@@Z(pMainTarget = 0476BBAC, MoreTargets = 8)
                                    INFO:Calling WlanOpenHandle() function
                                    INFO:Calling WlanEnumInterfaces() function to find wlan interface under test: N300 USB Network Adapter" ({4138C082-E821-433C-ABB8-6FF864BF80B5})"
                                    INFO:Found 1 wlan interfaces in total
                                    INFO:Processing wlan interface: N300 USB Network Adapter""
                                    INFO:Found the wlan interface under test!
                                    INFO:Interface information: Interface Guid: {4138C082-E821-433C-ABB8-6FF864BF80B5}; Interface State: disconnected""
                               o<-this(047BB318):?SetTarget@CWirelessImpl@@UEAAJPEAUITarget@@UtagVARIANT@@@Z(): S_OK
                INFO:Calling WlanOpenHandle() function
                     INFO:Test profile WDTFWlanTestProfile" doesn't exist"
                o<-this(047BB318):?FindAndDeleteTestProfile@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                     INFO:Calling WlanSetProfile() with a profile XML to create a profile with name: WDTFWlanTestProfile"
                o<-this(047BB318):?CreateTestProfile@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                     INFO:Calling WlanRegisterNotification() to get notified of connect complete event
                     INFO:Calling WlanConnect() to connect to test profile with name: WDTFWlanTestProfile""
                     INFO:Waiting to receive connect complete notification
                     INFO:Received connect complete notification: 0
                     INFO:Calling WlanRegisterNotification() to unregister from notifications
                o<-this(047BB318):?ConnectToTestProfile@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                INFO:Calling an internal helper function to check for the connectivity state of the network connection
                     INFO:Creating an instance of the NLM COM object
                     INFO:Calling NLM GetNetworkConnections() to get a list of network connections
                     INFO:Iterating through the network connections found looking for the connection corresponding to the test adapter ({4138C082-E821-433C-ABB8-6FF864BF80B5})
                     INFO:Calling NLM GetAdapterId() on a network connection found
                     INFO:Calling NLM GetAdapterId() on a network connection found
                     INFO:Found a network connection using the test adapter!
                     INFO:Calling NLM GetConectivity() on a network connection using the test adapter
                     INFO:NLM GetConectivity() reported the following connectivity state: 66
                     INFO:NLM GetConectivity() reported IPv4 connectivity!
                o<-this(047BB318):?CheckForConnectivity@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJPEA_N@Z(): S_OK
                     INFO:Calling GetAdaptersInfo() function to find IP address info for adapter {4138C082-E821-433C-ABB8-6FF864BF80B5}""
                     INFO:Found the adapter we are looking for!
                     INFO:Adapter Info: Index: 4, IPv4 Address:, Gateway Address:
                o<-this(047BB318):?RefreshIPInfo@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                INFO:Calling IcmpCreateFile() function
                INFO:Pinging gateway ( 10 times
                -->this(047BB318):?TestPingGateway@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJHH@Z(numPings: 10)
                     INFO:Calling IcmpSendEcho() to ping gateway ( 10 times with a random input buffer of size 255 and a timeout value of 1000 milliseconds
                o<-this(047BB318):?TestPingGateway@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJHH@Z(): S_OK
           o<-this(047BB318):?Open@CWirelessImpl@@UEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                -->this(047BB318):?TestPingGateway@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJHH@Z(numPings: 500)
                     INFO:Calling IcmpSendEcho() to ping gateway ( 500 times with a random input buffer of size 255 and a timeout value of 1000 milliseconds
                o<-this(047BB318):?TestPingGateway@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJHH@Z(): S_OK
           o<-this(047BB318):?RunIO@CWirelessImpl@@UEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                -->this(047BB318):?TestPingGateway@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJHH@Z(numPings: 500)
                     INFO:Calling IcmpSendEcho() to ping gateway ( 500 times with a random input buffer of size 255 and a timeout value of 1000 milliseconds
                o<-this(047BB318):?TestPingGateway@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJHH@Z(): S_OK
           o<-this(047BB318):?RunIO@CWirelessImpl@@UEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                     INFO:Calling WlanDisconnect() to disconnect
                o<-this(047BB318):?DisconnectFromTestProfile@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJXZ(): S_OK
                     INFO:Calling WlanDeleteProfile() to delete the previously created test profile with name WDTFWlanTestProfile""
                o<-this(047BB318):?FindAndDeleteTestProfile@CWirelessImpl@@AEAAJXZ(): S_OK
           o<-this(047BB318):?Close@CWirelessImpl@@UEAAJXZ(): S_OK

Troubleshooting Device Fundamentals Reliability Testing by using the Windows HCK

Troubleshooting Windows HCK

Windows HCK Support



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