
NDISTest 6.5 - WlanSoftAP_cmn

This automated test completes an 802.11 conformance test for testing SoftAP (hosted network) mode.

Test details

Associated requirements

Device.Network.WLAN.Base.SupportVirtualWiFi Device.Network.WLAN.CSBBase.MeetScanAndConnReq Device.Network.WLAN.CSBBase.SupportVirtualWiFi Device.Network.WLAN.CSBSoftAP.SupportSoftAP Device.Network.WLAN.SoftAP.SupportSoftAP

See the device hardware requirements.


Windows 7 (x64) Windows 7 (x86) Windows RT (ARM-based) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86

Expected run time

~15 minutes


Certification Reliability




Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Wireless LAN (802.11) Testing Prerequisites.

The following suites are available in this test:

  • SoftAP_AssociationCompletion

  • SoftAP_Authentication_ext

  • SoftAP_ConnectedOIDs_ext

  • SoftAP_OIDs_ext

  • SoftAP_BVT_ext

  • SoftAP_ClientDisconnect_ext

  • SoftAP_Notifications_ext

  • SoftAP_wps_ext

  • SoftAP_ExcludeUnencrypted_ext

  • SoftAP_SendRecv_ext

  • SoftAP_PrivacyExemptList_ext

The SoftAP_AssociationCompletion suite consists of the following:

Name Description


  • Start testsoft access point.

  • Query supported authentication/cipher types.

  • Ignore open none.

  • Start access point comm helper.

  • Start DUT comm helper.

Validate that the DUT softap sends the PHY_FREQEUNCY_ADOPTED indication when started.

Verify that the association completion indication contains valid IE beacon information while using RSNA authentication and CCMP cipher.

Verify that the association completion indication contains valid IE beacon information while using RSNA authentication and CCMP cipher. Additional IE for beacon is present.

Verify the adapter sends a valid disassociation indication for client disassociation.

Verify the adapter sends a valid disassociation indication for ExtAP disassociation.


The SoftAP_Authentication_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description


  • Start testsoft access point as extensible station.

  • Query supported authentication/cipher types.

  • Ignore open none.

  • Start access point comm helper.

  • Start DUT comm helper.


Verify whether the adapter supports WPA2PSK/AES as the minimum authentication.


  • Verify the SUT[0] successfully connects to SoftAP using {1} authentication and {2} cipher.

  • Verify the SUT[1] successfully connects to SoftAP using {1} authentication and {2} cipher.

  • Verify the data transmission fails with mismatched keys.

  • Verify the broadcast data transmission fails with mismatched default keys.


Verify the DUT does not successfully connect to an access point with mismatched authentication or cipher.


SoftAP_ConnectedOIDs_ext - Running OIDs tests when Virtualization is enabled:

Name Description


  • Start testsoft access point as extensible station.

  • Query supported authentication/cipher types.

  • Ignore open none.

  • Start access point comm helper.

  • Start DUT comm helper.


  • Verifying query on OID_DOT11_ENUM_BSS_LIST returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • Verify OID_DOT11_INCOMING_ASSOCIATION_DECISION results for ExtAP-Init State.

  • Verifying OID_DOT11_ADDITIONAL_IE behavior for ExtAP-Init state.

  • Checking whether changing modes removes the IE.

  • Set IE and start ExtAP.

  • Verifying probe response IE.

  • Verifying Additional Beacon IE.

  • Verifying reset clears the IEs set earlier.

  • Verifying query on dot11 statistics.

  • Verifying that we get proper results on OID_DOT11_DISASSOCIATE_PEER_REQUEST.


  • Verifying query on OID_DOT11_ENUM_BSS_LIST returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • Verify OID_DOT11_INCOMING_ASSOCIATION_DECISION results for ExtAP-OP State, without clients.

  • Set IE Before Connect/Scan operation.

  • Verifying probe response IE.

  • Verifying probe Beacon IE.

  • Verifying query on dot11 statistics.

  • Verifying proper results on OID_DOT11_DISASSOCIATE_PEER_REQUESTConnect SUT[0] to AP.

  • One_Client_connected.

  • Verifying query on OID_DOT11_ENUM_BSS_LIST returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • Verifying query on dot11 statistics.

  • Verifying that we get proper results on OID_DOT11_DISASSOCIATE_PEER_REQUEST.

  • Connect SUT[1] to AP.


  • Verifying query on OID_DOT11_ENUM_BSS_LIST returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • Verifying query on dot11 statistics.

  • Verifying proper results on OID_DOT11_DISASSOCIATE_PEER_REQUEST.


SoftAP_OIDs_ext - Running OIDs tests when Virtualization is enabled:

Name Description


  • Start testsoft access point as extensible station.

  • Query supported authentication/cipher types.

  • Ignore open none.

  • Start access point comm helper.

  • Start DUT comm helper.


  • Setting/Querying Opmode to ExtSta.

  • Setting/Querying Opmode to ExtAP-Init.

  • Trying to set OpMode while scan is in progress. Verifying Opmode should not be changed.

  • Start AP.

  • Trying to set Opmode to while AP is running. Verifying proper error code.


  • Verifying starting SoftAP from ExtSta-Init fails.

  • Verifying starting SoftAP from ExtAP-Init succeeds.

  • Verifying starting SoftAP from ExtAP-OP state fails.

  • Verifying starting SoftAP when all PHYs are OFF fails.


  • Checking whether reset with reset type dot11_reset_type_phy fails in ExtAP-Init.

  • Checking whether reset with reset type dot11_reset_type_phy_and_mac succeeds in ExtAP-Init.

  • Checking whether reset with reset type dot11_reset_type_phy fails in ExtAP-OP.

  • Checking whether reset with reset type dot11_reset_type_phy_and_mac succeeds in ExtAP-OP.


  • Verifying Setting and Querying power mode on ExtAP-Init succeeds.

  • Start AP.

  • Verifying that changing power state succeeds for ExtAP-OP state.


  • Verifying error code for empty ssid list OID_DOT11_DESIRED_SSID_LIST in ExtAP-Init state.

  • Verifying when no SSID list is set, the OID call results empty list.

  • Verifying error code for empty ssid OID_DOT11_DESIRED_SSID_LIST in ExtAP-Init state.

  • Verifying OID_DOT11_DESIRED_SSID_LIST with proper SSID ExtAP-Init state.

  • Verifying Query on OID_DOT11_DESIRED_SSID_LIST in ExtAP-Init state.

  • Start AP.

  • Verifying Query on OID_DOT11_DESIRED_SSID_LIST, in ExtAP-OP mode.

  • Verifying error code for set on OID_DOT11_DESIRED_SSID_LIST, in ExtAP-OP mode.

  • Verifying reset clears the SSID currently set.


  • Validating that setting invalid channel fails.

  • Setting AC Flags.


  • Verifying AC flags OIDs for ExtAP-Init state.

  • Starting the AP.

  • Verifying AC flags OIDs for ExtAP-OP state.

  • Cleanup.

  • Setting AC flags to default value.


  • Checking error code while setting empty list.

  • Checking error code while setting invalid PHY id.

  • Setting/Querying default PHY ID list.

  • Verifying phy list is same as set in ExtAP-OP mode.

  • Starting the AP.

  • Verifying error code while setting phy list in ExtAP-OP mode.

  • Verifying query phy list in ExtAP-OP mode.

  • Cleanup.


  • Saving the original Phy list.

  • Setting current phy.

  • Starting/stopping AP on the phy.


The SoftAP_BVT_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description


  • Start testsoft access point as extensible station.

  • Query supported authentication/cipher types.

  • Ignore open authentication with no encryption.

  • Start access point comm helper.

  • Start DUT comm helper.

Verify that the SUT can connect to SoftAP.

Verify data transmission across the SUT and SoftAP.

Verify that the SUT can connect to infrastructure and IBSS networks after connecting to EXTAP. This does not apply to devices that support InstantGo.


The SoftAP_ClientDisconnect_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description


Connect the SUT to the SoftAP and then do an implicit disconnect.


Connect the SUT to the SoftAP and verify the notification when the SUT explicitly disconnects.


Connect the SUT to the SoftAP, start a data transfer, and then verify the notification when the SUT explicitly disconnects.


The SoftAP_Notifications_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description

Verify that all expected events are received when {0} is added. Run this test case for ASSOC_DECISION_NONE, ASSOC_DECISION_SUCCESS, ASSOC_DECISION_FAILURE, and ASSOC_DECISION_MAX.


The SoftAP_WPS_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description


  1. Verify that WPS is disabled when adapter is reset.

  2. Verify the error code when set to ExtSTA mode.

  3. Verify that enabling WPS in ExtAP Init mode works.

  4. Verify that disabling WPS in ExtAP Init mode works.

  5. Verify that enabling WPS in ExtAP OP mode works.

  6. Verify that disabling WPS in ExtAP OP mode works.

  7. Verify the WPS Disabled ExtAP OP to ExtAP Init transition.

  8. Verify the WPS Enabled ExtAP OP to ExtAP Init transition.

  9. Verify that the WPS disabled status is maintained across ExtAP init to ExtAP OP transitions.

  10. Verify the WPS enabled status is maintained across ExtAP init to ExtAP OP transitions.


  • Verify the ExtAP-Client connection attempt when WPS is Enabled and the cipher is WEP.

  • Verify the ExtAP-Client connection attempt when WPS is disabled and the cipher is WEP.


  • Verify the beacon packet before and after WPS is enabled without additional IE.

  • Verify the ProbeResonse packet before and after WPS is enabled without additional IE.

  • Verify the beacon packet before and after WPS is enabled with additional IE.

  • Verify the ProbeResonse packet before and after WPS is enabled with additional IE.


Validate that the ExtAP generates authentication, association response, and deauth packets


  • Validate the disassociate indications on the client when WPS is enabled on ExtAP with WPS client connected and with non-WPS client.

  • Validate the disassociate indications on the client when WPS is enabled on ExtAP with WPS client connected and without non-WPS client.

  • Validating the disassociate indications on ExtAP when WPS is enabled on ExtAP with WPS client connected and with non-WPS client.

  • Validating the disassociate indications on ExtAP when WPS is enabled on ExtAP with WPS client connected and without non-WPS client.


The SoftAP_ExludeUnencrypted_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description


  • Verify the DUT successfully connects to an access point using {0} authentication and {1} cipher.

  • Verify the functionality of OID_DOT11_EXCLUDE_UNENCRYPTED with <Auth> authentication and <Cipher> cipher by sending plaintext data from the access point to the DUT while the OID is set to true.

  • Verify the functionality of OID_DOT11_EXCLUDE_UNENCRYPTED with <Auth> authentication and <Cipher> cipher by sending plaintext data from the access point to the DUT while the OID is set to FALSE.

  • Verify the DUT successfully connects to an access point using {0} authentication and {1} cipher.

  • Verify OID_DOT11_EXCLUDE_UNENCRYPTED does not affect sending encrypted data from the access point to the DUT while the OID is set to true with {0} authentication and {1} cipher.

  • Verify OID_DOT11_EXCLUDE_UNENCRYPTED does not affect sending encrypted data from the access point to the DUT while the OID is set to false with {0} authentication and {1} cipher.


The SoftAP_SendRecv_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description
  • Verify whether the SUT can connect to SoftAP.

  • Set the keys on client 0.

  • Verify the data transmission from SUT[0] to SoftAP.

  • Verify whether the SUT can connect to SoftAP.

  • Set the keys on client 1.

  • Verify the data transmission from SUT[1] to SoftAP.

  • Verify the data transmission from SUT[0] to SUT[1].


Name Description


Query for OID_DOT11_PRIVACY_EXEMPTION_LIST and verify all the default values.


  • Verify that setting or querying the privacy exempt list succeeds.

  • Verify that resetting the privacy exempt list clears it.


  • The starting test case for Exempt on Key mapping unavailable. Unicast EAPOL ethertype traffic where we set the keys.

  • The starting test case for Exempt on Key mapping unavailable. Unicast EAPOL ethertype traffic where we do not set the keys.

  • Verify data transmission.


The SoftAP_PrivacyExemptList_ext suite consists of the following:


For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Wireless LAN (802.11) Tests.



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