
Configuring a Run-Time Image to Support Multiple MUI Language Packs

After you install the Multiple User Interface (MUI) language packs to the component database, you must add additional support components to your run-time image in Target Designer.

To configure a run-time to support multiple MUI language packs

  1. Add the following components:

    • <language> Language Support

      Add the Language Support component for each language you want to support.

    • English MUI registry update. Add this if you are using English.

    • Explorer Shell

    • International Control Panel

    • Regional and Language Options

    Note   When you add the language support components to your configuration, that language's MUI pack is not automatically installed. Each MUI pack must be separately installed to the component database. Only the English language is included in the component database by default. For information about installing additional MUI language packs to your run-time image, see Installing MUI Packs on a Development System.

  2. Expand the Regional and Language Options component node, and then choose Settings.

    The Regional and Language Options settings appear in the Details pane.

  3. In the Regional and Language Options tab in the details pane, select the appropriate settings for each of the following items:

    • User interface language
    • Standards and formats
    • Default input language
    • Default language for non-Unicode programs
    • Geographic location

    These settings can also be selected during run-time in Control Panel.

  4. Expand the <language> Language Support component, and then choose Settings.

    The Language Support component settings appear in the details pane.

  5. In the details pane, select the default fonts, code page conversion tables, and default keyboard layouts to use with the language. Also, select the Support all system locales for*<language>* and the Include multilanguage user interface resources boxes.

  6. Run a dependency check and build the run-time image by choosing Build Target Image from the Configuration menu.

See Also

Changing the Language in a Multiple MUI Run-Time Image | How to Add Multiple Language Support to a Run-Time Image

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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