
Direct3D Mobile Structures (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section contains information about the structures used with Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.

The following table shows these structures.

Structure Description
D3DMADAPTER_IDENTIFIER Contains information identifying the adapter.
D3DMCAPS Describes of the specific capabilities supported by a device driver.
D3DMCLIPSTATUS Describes how primitives are affected by the clipping planes.
D3DMCOLORVALUE Describes color values.
D3DMDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS Describes the creation parameters for a device.
D3DMDISPLAYMODE Describes the display mode.
D3DMINDEXBUFFER_DESC Describes an index buffer.
D3DMLIGHT Describes lights in Direct3D Mobile.
D3DMLOCKED_RECT Describes a locked rectangular region.
D3DMMATERIAL Describes the current material.
D3DMMATRIX Describes a matrix.
D3DMPRESENT_PARAMETERS Describes the properties of a swap chain.
D3DMSURFACE_DESC Describes a surface.
D3DMVECTOR Defines a vector.
D3DMVERTEXBUFFER_DESC Describe a vertex buffer.
D3DMVIEWPORT Describes the area of the render target, the viewport, that will be rasterized to.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Reference

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