
GetForegroundKeyboardLayoutHandle (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function returns the keyboard layout handle for the current foreground thread.

HKL GetForegroundKeyboardLayoutHandle( void );



Return Values

The keyboard layout handle for the thread indicates success. The low-order word contains a language identifier for the input language and the high-order word contains a device handle for the physical layout of the keyboard. For more information about language identifiers, see Language Identifiers and Locales.


This function is only available to OEMs.

The shell uses GetForegroundKeyboardLayoutHandle to determine the keyboard layout handle for the current foreground thread. The shell can then keep the software-based input panel (SIP) or input method editor (IME) icon synchronized with the settings of the foreground thread.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Pwinuser.h.
Link Library: Linked during build.

See Also

Keyboard Functions | Language Identifiers and Locales

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