
About Cryptographic Service Provider (Windows CE 5.0)

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A cryptographic service provider (CSP) contains implementations of cryptographic standards and algorithms. At a minimum, a CSP consists of a dynamic-link library (DLL) that implements the functions in CryptoSPI. Most CSPs contain the implementation of all of their own functions; however, some CSPs implement their functions mainly in a Microsoft® Win32®–based service program managed by the Win32 service control manager. Others implement functions in hardware, such as a smart card or secure coprocessor. If a CSP does not implement its own functions, the DLL acts as a pass-through layer, facilitating the communication between the operating system and the actual CSP implementation.

Applications do not communicate directly with a CSP. Instead, applications call the CryptoAPI functions exposed by the operating system's Coredll.dll and Crypt32.dll files. The operating system filters these functions calls and passes them on to the appropriate CSP functions through CryptoSPI.

All custom CSPs must support all of the following DLL entry points. Each function in the table corresponds directly to a CryptoAPI function with the prefix of Crypt instead of CP. For example, CPCreateHash is the same as CryptCreateHash.

Function Description
CPAcquireContext Acquires a handle to a particular key container within the CSP.
CPCreateHash Creates a hash object and returns a handle to it.
CPDecrypt Decrypts a section of ciphertext using the specified encryption key.
CPDeriveKey Creates a key from a password.
CPDestroyHash Destroys a hash object.
CPDestroyKey Destroys a key.
CPDuplicateHash Makes an exact copy of a hash object and the state the hash is in.
CPDuplicateKey Makes an exact copy of a key, including the state of a key.
CPEncrypt Encrypts a section of plaintext using the specified encryption key.
CPExportKey Transfers a key from the CSP into a key BLOB in the application's memory.
CPGenKey Creates a random key.
CPGenRandom Generates random data.
CPGetHashParam Retrieves a hash object parameter.
CPGetKeyParam Retrieves a key's parameters.
CPGetProvParam Retrieves attributes of the CSP.
CPGetUserKey Gets a handle to the key exchange or signature key.
CPHashData Hashes a block of data and adds it to the specified hash object.
CPHashSessionKey Hashes a session key and adds it to the specified hash object.
CPImportKey Transfers a key from a key BLOB to a CSP.
CPReleaseContext Frees the handle acquired by CPAcquireContext.
CPSetHashParam Sets a hash object parameter.
CPSetKeyParam Specifies a key's parameters.
CPSetProvParam Sets specific attributes of a CSP.
CPSignHash Signs the specified hash object.
CPVerifySignature Verifies a digital signature.

See Also

Cryptography | Microsoft Cryptographic System | Using Basic Cryptography Services | Protected Store | Cryptography Security | Cryptography Registry Settings | Certificates

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