
How to Duplicate a Public Directory as an OS Design Directory (Windows CE 5.0)

In Platform Builder, you might want to make changes in a selected OS design by making changes to code in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public tree.

If you do, you can unintentionally create build issues and bugs that are difficult to trace, and you might replicate your changes in future platforms.

Also, if you are using source control management, you can increase the size of the file set for source control management.

To avoid these issues you can duplicate a selected portion of the %_WINCEROOT%\Public tree in your %_WINCEROOT%\PBWorkspaces\%_TGTPROJ% directory.

By doing this, you can modify the code in the duplicated directories, while leaving the source code in the Public directory tree intact.

For information about the Platform Builder directory structure, see Run-Time Image and OS Directories and Shared Source Code Directories.

To track your progress in the following table, select the check box next to each step.

  Step Topic
1.Open an OS design or create a new one. Creating an OS Design
2. Create a subdirectory named Public in %_WINCEROOT%\PBWorkspaces\%_TGTPROJ%\Wince500.

This directory becomes the new Public directory for your OS design.

Opening the Release Directory
3. Select the %_WINCEROOT%\Public directory you want to duplicate.

To speed up the build process, you can copy a subset of the directory tree.

Not applicable.
4. Copy the selected directory into the Public directory of your OS design. Not applicable.
5. Create or edit the source code configuration files in your OS design to enable the duplicated directories to build correctly.

For example, in driver makefile files, change references to $(_COMMONOAKROOT)\lib to %_TGTPROJ%\oak\lib.

Add or edit sources and dirs files in the root of your OS design directory and in each subdirectory leading down the path to the directory you duplicated.

By doing this, you complete creation of the duplicated directories as a new dependency tree in your OS design.

Dirs File

Sources File

Makefile File

6. Verify that the files in the duplicated directory match the original files by navigating to the files in the duplicated directory tree in Windows Explorer or a command-prompt build window. Not applicable.
7. Add the files to the Ce.bib file for your OS design. Binary Image Builder File
8. From the Build OS menu, configure and run a clean build of a run-time image.

- or -

From a command prompt, build a run-time image based on your OS design by typing blddemo -c clean cleanplat to perform a clean of the Cesysgen directories in your OS design before building.

Building a Run-Time Image

You have duplicated and built a selected directory from %_WINCEROOT%\Public in your %_TGTPROJ% directory. You can now continue modifying your OS design.

For more information, see Catalog Overview.

See Also

How-to Topics | Build System | Run-Time Image Build Process | Miscellaneous Environment Variables | How to Use the IDE to Create, Customize, and Build a Run-Time Image | How to Customize the Appearance of Common Controls

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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