
Video Port Structures (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the video port structures.

Structure Description
DDHAL_CANCREATEVPORTDATA Contains information necessary to indicate whether a video port can be created.
DDHAL_CREATEVPORTDATA Contains information necessary to create a video port.
DDHAL_DESTROYVPORTDATA Contains information necessary to destroy a video port.
DDHAL_FLIPVPORTDATA Contains the information necessary for a video port to perform a flip.
DDHAL_GETVPORTBANDWIDTHDATA Contains the bandwidth information for any specified format.
DDHAL_GETVPORTCONNECTDATA Contains the connection combinations supported by a specified video port.
DDHAL_GETVPORTFIELDDATA Contains the current field information.
DDHAL_GETVPORTFLIPSTATUSDATA Contains the flip status information for a specified surface.
DDHAL_GETVPORTINPUTFORMATDATA Contains all the formats a specified video port can accept.
DDHAL_GETVPORTLINEDATA Contains the current line counter of a video port.
DDHAL_GETVPORTOUTPUTFORMATDATA Contains all the formats that can be written to the video port's frame buffer.
DDHAL_GETVPORTSIGNALDATA Contains the signal status of a video port.
DDHAL_UPDATEVPORTDATA Contains the information required to start, stop, and change a video port.
DDHAL_VPORTCOLORDATA Contains video port color control information.
DDHAL_WAITFORVPORTSYNCDATA Contains the information required to sync a video port.
DDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_INT Contains a DirectDraw video port object's interface information.
DDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL Contains local data for each DirectDraw video port object.

See Also

DDHAL Structures

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