
DRM in DirectShow and Windows Media Player (Windows CE 5.0)

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The actual mechanics of DRM take place through low-level functions in the operating system. As a result, higher level APIs, such as DirectShow, and the applications built on top of them, such as Windows Media Player, have little opportunity interact directly with DRM. The following information describes the interactions that are possible through DirectShow and Windows Media Player.


The DirectShow API supports playback of DRM-protected content. The DirectShow ASF filter has built-in support for DRM-protected ASF files. A DirectShow application's interaction with DRM is limited to listening for system messages from DRM.

Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player on Windows CE has native support for DRM. It is not possible for an OS developer or an application developer to alter the way that Windows Media Player interacts with DRM.

Application developers should take into account that Windows Media Player will launch an instance of the browser to assist with the nonsilent license acquisition process. For more information, see License Acquisition.

See Also

DRM Application Development

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