
Laying Out Text with Uniscribe (Windows CE 5.0)

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This procedure assumes that the application has already divided the paragraph into runs.

To Lay Out Text Using Uniscribe

  1. Call ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution only when the application starts, or when receiving a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message.

  2. Call ScriptIsComplex to determine if the paragraph requires complex processing.

    Note   This step is optional.

  3. For automatic digit substitution, call ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution to prepare the SCRIPT_CONTROL and SCRIPT_STATE structures in ScriptItemize. If the application does its own reordering and layout, it must substitute the proper digits for Unicode U+0030 through U+0039 (the Western digits).

  4. Call ScriptItemize to divide the paragraph into items. If an application already knows the bidirectional order -- for example, because of the keyboard layout used to enter the character -- it can call ScriptItemize with NULL for the SCRIPT_CONTROL and SCRIPT_STATE parameters. The application can then reorder the items using its information.

  5. Merge the item information with the run information to produce runs with a single style, script, and direction.

  6. Call ScriptGetCMap to assign a font to a run and get glyphs. If some glyphs are not supported by the font, either substitute another font or set the eScript member to SCRIPT_UNDEFINED.

    Note   If a font renders a code point by a combination of glyphs instead of a single glyph, this method may indicate that the code point is unsupported. In this case, call ScriptShape, check for an S_OK return code, and then check the output for missing glyphs.

  7. Call ScriptShape to identify clusters and generate glyphs.

  8. Call ScriptPlace to generate advance widths and x and y positions for the run width.

  9. Sum the run widths until the line overflows.

  10. Break the run on a word boundary by using the fSoftBreak and fWhiteSpace members in the logical attributes. To break a single character cluster off the run, use the information returned by calling ScriptBreak.

See Also

Text Display with Uniscribe | System Information Messages

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