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This structure contains information for a video connection.

typedef struct _VIDEOPARAMETERS {GUID Guid;ULONG dwOffset;ULONG dwCommand;ULONG dwFlags;ULONG dwMode;ULONG dwTVStandard;ULONG dwAvailableModes;ULONG dwAvailableTVStandard;ULONG dwFlickerFilter;ULONG dwOverScanX;ULONGdwOverScanY;ULONG dwMaxUnscaledX;ULONG dwMaxUnscaledY;ULONG dwPositionX;ULONGdwPositionY;ULONG dwBrightness;ULONG dwContrast;ULONG dwCPType;ULONG dwCPCommand;ULONG dwCPStandard;ULONG dwCPKey;ULONG bCP_APSTriggerBits;UCHAR bOEMCopyProtection[256];} VIDEOPARAMETERS, *PVIDEOPARAMETERS, *LPVIDEOPARAMETERS;


  • Guid
    Globally unique identifier (GUID) for this structure, {02C62061-1097-11d1-920F-00A024DF156E}.

    Display drivers should verify the GUID before processing the structure.

  • dwOffset
    Reserved; must be zero.

  • dwCommand
    Unsigned long integer that specifies whether to retrieve or set the values that the other members of this structure specify.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    VP_COMMAND_GET Gets current video capabilities. If video capability is not supported, dwFlags is 0.
    VP_COMMAND_SET Sets video parameters.
  • dwFlags
    Unsigned long integer that indicates the members that contain valid data.

    If dwCommand is VP_COMMAND_GET, include the members for which you want to retrieve data.

    If dwCommand VP_COMMAND_SET, include the members for which you want to set data.

    If a capability is not supported, dwFlags is 0.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    VP_FLAGS_BRIGHTNESS The dwBrightness member contains valid data.
    VP_FLAGS_CONTRAST The dwContrast member contains valid data.
    VP_FLAGS_COPYPROTECT The dwCPType, dwCPCommand, and dwCPStandard members contain valid data.
    VP_FLAGS_FLICKER The dwFlickerFilter member contains valid data.
    VP_FLAGS_MAX_UNSCALED The dwMaxUnscaledX and dwMaxUnscaledY members contain valid data. Do not use if dwCommand is VP_COMMAND_SET.
    VP_FLAGS_OVERSCAN The dwOverScanX and dwOverScanY members contain valid data.
    VP_FLAGS_POSITION The dwPositionX and dwPositionY members contain valid data.
    VP_FLAGS_TV_MODE The dwMode member contains valid data.
    VP_FLAGS_TV_STANDARD The dwTVStandard member contains valid data.
  • dwMode
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the current playback mode.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    VP_MODE_TV_PLAYBACK Describes a set of display settings for video playback, with the flicker filter off and the overscan display on.
    VP_MODE_WIN_GRAPHICS Describes a set of display settings that are optimal for display on a Windows CE-based device, with the flicker filter on and any overscan display off.
  • dwTVStandard
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the television standard.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    VP_TV_STANDARD_NTSC_433 National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) video standard, with a subcarrier frequency of 4.33 megahertz (MHz).
    VP_TV_STANDARD_NTSC_M NTSC television standard, type M.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_NTSC_M_J NTSC television standard, type M, for Japan.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_60 Phase Alternation Line (PAL) 60 video standard that is used to play NTSC video.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_B PAL television standard, type B.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_D PAL television standard, type D.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_G PAL television standard, type G.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_H PAL television standard, type H.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_I PAL television standard, type I.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_M PAL television standard, type M.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_N PAL television standard, type N.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_B Systeme Electronique Couleur avec Memoire (SECAM) television standard, type B.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_D SECAM television standard, type D.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_G SECAM television standard, type G.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_H SECAM television standard, type H.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_K SECAM television standard, type K.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_K1 SECAM television standard, type K1.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_L SECAM television standard, type L.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_L1 SECAM television standard, type L1.
    VP_TV_STANDARD_WIN_VGA Video Graphic Adapter (VGA) monitor.
  • dwAvailableModes
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the modes that are available.

    This member is valid only when dwCommand is VP_COMMAND_GET, and can contain any combination of the values specified for dwMode.

  • dwAvailableTVStandard
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the TV standards that are available.

    This member is valid only when dwCommand is VP_COMMAND_GET, and can contain any combination of the values specified for dwTVStandard.

  • dwFlickerFilter
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the flicker reduction provided by the hardware.

    This value is specified in tenths of a percent, from 0 to 1,000, where 0 is no flicker reduction and 1,000 is maximum flicker reduction.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwOverScanX
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the amount of overscan in the horizontal direction.

    This value is specified in tenths of a percent, from 0 to 1,000.

    A value of 0 indicates no overscan, ensuring that the entire display is visible.

    A value of 1,000 indicates maximum overscan and typically causes some of the image to display beyond the edge of the screen.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwOverScanY
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the amount of overscan in the vertical direction.

    This value is specified in tenths of a percent, from 0 to 1,000.

    A value of 0 indicates no overscan, ensuring that the entire display is visible.

    A value of 1,000 indicates maximum overscan and typically causes some of the image to display beyond the edge of the screen.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwMaxUnscaledX
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the maximum horizontal resolution, in pixels, that is supported when the video is not scaled.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwMaxUnscaledY
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the maximum vertical resolution, in pixels, that is supported when the video is not scaled.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwPositionX
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the horizontal adjustment to the center of the image, in pixels.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwPositionY
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the vertical adjustment to the center of the image, in scan lines.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwBrightness
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the direct current (DC) offset of the video signal to increase brightness on the television.

    This value is a percentage value, from 0 to 100, where 0 means no adjustment and 100 means maximum adjustment.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwContrast
    Unsigned long integer that specifies to the gain of the video signal to increase the intensity of whiteness on the television.

    This value is a percentage value, from 0 to 100, where 0 means no adjustment and 100 means maximum adjustment.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • dwCPType
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the copy protection type.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    VP_CP_TYPE_APS_TRIGGER Only DVD trigger bits available.
    VP_CP_TYPE_MACROVISION Full Macrovision data is available.
  • dwCPCommand
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the copy protection command.

    This member is only valid when dwCommand is VP_COMMAND_SET.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    VP_CP_CMD_ACTIVATE Activate copy protection.
    VP_CP_CMD_CHANGE Change copy protection.
    VP_CP_CMD_DEACTIVATE Deactivate copy protection.
  • dwCPStandard
    Unsigned long integer that specifies TV standards for which copy protection types are available.

    This member is valid only when dwCommand is VP_COMMAND_GET.

  • dwCPKey
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the copy protection key returned if dwCPCommand is set to VP_CP_CMD_ACTIVATE.

    An application that calls ChangeDisplaySettingsEx must set this key when the dwCPCommand member is either VP_CP_CMD_DEACTIVATE or VP_CP_CMD_CHANGE.

    If the application sets an incorrect key, the driver must not change the current copy protection settings.

    This member is valid only when dwCommand is VP_COMMAND_SET.

  • bCP_APSTriggerBits
    Unsigned long integer that specifies the digital video disc (DVD) analog protection system (APS) trigger bit value.

    This member is valid only when dwCommand is VP_COMMAND_SET.

    Currently, only bits 0 and 1 are valid.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 No copy protection.
    1, 2, or 3 Macrovision-defined analog copy protection methods.
  • bOEMCopyProtection
    String that specifies the OEM-specific copy protection data.

    The maximum length of the string is 256 characters.

    This member is valid when dwCommand is either VP_COMMAND_GET or VP_COMMAND_SET.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Tvout.h.

See Also


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