
RTC Client API Constants (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the RTC Client API constants with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
OAHWND Window handle.
RTC_E_ Return values for Real Time Communications (RTC) methods.
RTC_S_ Return values for Real Time Communications (RTC) methods.
RTCAU_ The authentication constants describe the authentication types.
RTCCS_ The create session constants are used by the IRTCClient::CreateSession method.
RTCEF_ The event filter constants describe the types of events the application can register to receive.
RTCIF_ The initialization flags for RTC clients.
RTCMT_ The media type constants describe the media streams available.
RTCRF_ These constants contain registration-specific information.
RTCRMF_ The roaming constants describe objects with roaming capabilities.
RTCSI_ The session type constants describe the sessions.
RTCTR_ The transport type constants describe the transport used.

See Also

RTC Client API Reference

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