
Customizing Folders with Desktop.ini (Windows CE 5.0)

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File system folders are commonly displayed with a standard icon and have a set of properties that describe the folder, such as whether or not the folder is shared. You can customize the appearance and behavior of an individual folder by creating a Desktop.ini file for the folder.

A Desktop.ini file is a text file that allows you to specify how a file system folder will be viewed. It is similar in structure to the Desktop.ini files found on Windows-based desktop systems, but Windows CE only supports the [.ShellClassInfo] section.

The [.ShellClassInfo] section allows you to customize the folder's view by assigning values to the entries shown in the following table.

Entry Value
ConfirmFileOp Not supported.
IconFile Not supported.
IconIndex Not supported.
InfoTip    Not supported.
LocalizedResourceName Specifies a resource module and the string ID to use as the name of the folder to display when viewed using the File Explorer or the Shell.

Use the following syntax to specify values for LocalizedResourceName:

NoSharing Not supported.

You can use Desktop.ini to localize or rename directories in your files system. To do this, place a Desktop.ini file in the directory that you want to rename. Before the shell displays the name of a directory, the shell looks for a Desktop.ini file. If it finds one, it displays a redirected name obtained from LocalizedReourceName to the end user. The following code shows and example of a Desktop.ini file.


See Also

Shell Components

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