
GetThemeColor (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function retrieves the value of the specified color property.

HRESULT GetThemeColor(  HTHEME hTheme,  HDC hdc,
  int iPartId,  int iStateId,  int iPropID,  COLORREF* pColor);


  • hTheme
    [in] Handle to a window's specified theme data. To create a theme data handle, use OpenThemeDataEx.
  • hdc
    [in] Handle to a device context (HDC) used for drawing the background image. This parameter is optional and may be set to NULL.
  • iPartId
    [in] Integer value that specifies the part that contains the color. For more information, see Theme Parts and States.
  • iStateId
    [in] Integer value that specifies the state of the part that contains the color. For more information, see Theme Parts and States.
  • iPropID
    [in] Integer value that specifies the Color property. For more information, see Theme Property Values.
  • pColor
    [out] Pointer to the COLORREF structure that receives the color value.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if successful, or E_FAIL otherwise.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Uxtheme.h.
Link Library: Ietheme.dll.

See Also

Theme Support Reference

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