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This structure contains information about the current font's properties.

typedef struct {  int cBytes;   WORD wgBlank;   WORD wgDefault;   WORD wgInvalid;   WORD wgKashida;   int iKashidaWidth; } SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES;


  • cBytes
    Size, in bytes, of the structure.
  • wgBlank
    Glyph used to indicate a blank.
  • wgDefault
    Glyph used to indicate Unicode characters not present in the font.
  • wgInvalid
    Glyph used to indicate invalid character combinations.
  • wgKashida
    Glyph used to indicate the shortest continuous kashida, with 1 indicating that the font contains no kashida.
  • iKashidaWidth
    Width of the shortest continuous kashida glyph in the font, indicated by the wgKashida member.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Usp10.h.

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