
Tutorial Step 3: Setting Up a Connection to the Emulator and Downloading the Run-Time Image (Windows CE 5.0)

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In this step, you set up and configure a connection to the Emulator; then you download the custom run-time image to the Emulator.

To set up a connection to the Emulator and download the run-time image

  1. From the Target menu, choose Connectivity Options.

  2. Under Service Configuration, choose KernelService Map.

  3. From the Download list box, choose Emulator.

  4. Choose the associated Settings button.

  5. Be sure the settings for Display are set to 640x480x16; otherwise, the Emulator window might not appear properly on your display.

  6. In the Memory (MB) box, be sure memory is set to 64 and then choose OK.

  7. From the Transport list box, select Emulator.

  8. From the Debugger list box, be sure KdStub is selected.

  9. Under Service Configuration, choose Core Service Settings.

  10. Under Download Image, verify that Always is selected.

  11. Under KITL Settings, verify that the following check boxes are selected:

    • Enable KITL on device boot
    • Clear memory on soft reset
    • Enable access to desktop files
  12. Save your changes and close the dialog box by choosing Close.

    You can also choose tosave your changes and keep the dialog box open by choosing Apply.

    You have configured the services that allow you to connect to the Emulator.

    Now you can establish a connection to the Emulator and download the run-time image.

  13. From the Target menu, choose Attach Device.

    A window appears, displaying the progress of the download to the Emulator. Then the MyOSDesign - Emulator for Windows CE window appears.

  14. Wait until the OS appears in the MyOSDesign - Emulator for Windows CE window.

    For this tutorial, the OS appears in about a minute. The length of time required to display the OS depends on the size of the run-time image being downloaded.

    While the run-time image is being downloaded, in Platform Builder, you can see intermittent activity in the Debug tab of the Output window.

    When the OS boots successfully, the Windows CE OS appears in the MyOSDesign - Emulator for Windows CE window.

You can now debug the OS.

See Also

Tutorial Step 4: Debugging the OS on the Emulator Using the Kernel Debugger | Tutorial Step 2: Building the Custom Run-Time Image for the Emulator | Tutorial: Building a Run-Time Image for the Emulator | Tutorials | Run-Time Image Downloading Process | Platform Manager

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