
NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function notifies NDISWAN that one or more receives have been completed for an established link so that NDISWAN can notify the appropriate bound protocols.

VOID NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete(  NDIS_HANDLEMiniportAdapterHandle,  NDIS_HANDLENdisLinkContext);


Return Values



After any WAN receive indication, a miniport must eventually call NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete.

NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete indicates the completion of a transfer operation for a receive. In addition, it notifies any bound protocol that has already consumed the initial indication that it may begin post-processing the received data.

When a miniport calls NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete, NDISWAN calls the ProtocolReceiveComplete function of bound protocol drivers. ProtocolReceiveComplete functions need not operate under the severe time constraints of the corresponding ProtocolReceive functions.

A WAN miniport need not call NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete in one-to-one correspondence with its calls to NdisMWanIndicateReceive. That is, a NIC driver can issue a single receive-complete indication for some number of receive indications, particularly when a sequence of receives is coming in to its NIC. Such a driver can call NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete after several calls to NdisMWanIndicateReceive have occurred, thereby giving bound protocols the opportunity to notify clients of received packets without incurring the overhead of processing one-to-one completion notifications. As a general rule, a miniport should call NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete once for every ten receive indications when network traffic is high.

On the other hand, a miniport might call NdisMWanIndicateReceiveComplete once for each indication when network traffic is low so that the driver can regain ownership of the memory it allocated for receives promptly.

A ProtocolReceive function is re-entrant, and ProtocolReceiveComplete can run concurrently with ProtocolReceive, particularly in SMP machines.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ndis.h.
Link Library: Ndis.dll.

See Also

MiniportInitialize | NDIS_MAC_LINE_UP | NdisMIndicateStatus | ProtocolReceiveComplete | ProtocolReceive | NdisMWanIndicateReceive

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