
Combining Debug and Release Bits (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can selectively build a few executable (.exe) files for debugging purposes in a Release configuration of your OS design.

For more information about the configurations that you can use, see Levels of Debugging Support.

To combine debug and release bits

  1. Build the Release and Debug configurations of your OS design.
  2. From the Build OS menu, choose Set Active Configuration.
  3. Select the Debug configuration and then choose OK.
  4. From the Build OS menu, choose Open Release Directory.
  5. At the command prompt, copy the .exe files you want to debug into the release directory for the Release configuration.
  6. From the Build OS menu in the integrated development environment (IDE), choose Set Active Configuration.
  7. Select the Release configuration and then choose OK.
  8. From the BuildOS menu, to build a run-time image that includes the copied .exe files, make sure that Copy Files to Release Directory After Build is not selected.

See Also

Build Menu Options

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