
Extended Debugging Interface (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Extended Debugging Interface (eXDI) is an adaptation layer between Platform Builder and a debugging probe, such as a JTAG probe or in-circuit emulator (ICE). eXDI allows a user to control and debug a target device using an eXDI driver and a probe.

eXDI supports a wide variety of probes, including the Platform Builder kernel software probe, KdStub; hardware probes; software simulators; and post-mortem file readers.

Third-party hardware probe vendors who want to allow a Platform Builder customer to use their diagnostic equipment with Platform Build must write an eXDI driver for that purpose.

In This Section

  • eXDI Overview
    Provides architectural diagrams and descriptions of eXDI features for run-state control, OS access, memory access, and core connectivity.
  • eXDI Driver Development
    Describes requirements for developing an eXDI driver to use with a hardware probe or integrated circuit emulator.
  • eXDI Sample Driver
    Describes the sample eXDI driver included with Platform Builder.
  • eXDI Reference
    Contains detailed reference information about the eXDI API.

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