
Winsock Samples (Windows CE 5.0)

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These samples provide a base for implementing the Winsock technology. They have not been tested and are not intended for production use.

The following table lists the Winsock samples.

Sample Description Location File name
Transport Service Provider The sample Winsock 2.2 layered service provider (LSP). These files build into lsp.dll. %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples\TSP\LSP\src All files.
LSP installer A sample installation application that installs the sample LSP at run time. %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples\TSP Inst_lsp.exe
Debug DLL A sample DLL to aid in debugging by intercepting calls to the LSP and handling debug output in a central location. %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples\TSP\LSP Mydt_dll.dll

For more information about LSP, see the article "Unraveling the Mysteries of Writing a Winsock 2 Layered Service Provider," from this Microsoft Web site.

Additionally, the following table provides links to some key topics that provide code examples.

Topic Description of example
Socket Client Shows how to implement a Winsock client.
Socket Server Shows how to implement a Winsock socket server.

See Also

Windows Sockets | Bluetooth Samples | Layered Protocols and Provider Chains | Installing an LSP

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