
HalFreeCommonBuffer (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function frees a common buffer allocated by HalAllocateCommonBuffer, along with all resources the buffer uses.

VOID HalFreeCommonBuffer(PDMA_ADAPTER_OBJECT DmaAdapter,ULONG Length,PHYSICAL_ADDRESS LogicalAddress,PVOID VirtualAddress,BOOLEAN CacheEnabled);


  • DmaAdapter
    [in] Pointer to DMA adapter descriptor, DMA_ADAPTER_OBJECT.
  • Length
    [in] Size of buffer to allocate.
  • LogicalAddress
    [in] Pointer to the bus-relative, logical address buffer.
  • VirtualAddress
    [in] Pointer to virtual address buffer.
  • CacheEnabled
    [in] Flag to choose cached or uncached buffer allocation.

Return Values



The only required parameter is VirtualAddress, which points to the allocated buffer.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: CEDDK.h.
Link Library: CEDDK.lib.

See Also

Direct Memory Access | DMA_ADAPTER_OBJECT | HalAllocateCommonBuffer

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