
GPEModeEx (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains mode information.

#define GPEMODEEX_VERSION0(0)#define GPEMODEEX_CURRENTVERSION(GPEMODEEX_VERSION0)  struct GPEModeEx {GPEMode modeInfo;DDGPEStandardHeader;EDDGPEPixelFormat ePixelFormat;DWORD dwPixelFourCC;DWORD dwPixelFormatData;LONG lPitch;DWORD dwFlags;DWORD dwRBitMask;DWORD dwGBitMask;DWORD dwBBitMask;DWORD dwAlphaBitMask };


  • modeInfo
    Contains the GPEMode for the current device. You can use this field instead of having a separate GPEMode member variable in your device driver.
  • DDGPEStandardHeader
    See DDGPEStandardHeader for more information.
  • ePixelFormat
    Identifies the surface's EDDGPEPixelFormat. See EDDGPEPixelFormat for more information.
  • dwPixelFourCC
    The value of dwPixelFourCC can be used to indicate the FourCC code for the current surface. This value should be zero (0), if the FourCC information does not apply.
  • dwPixelFormatData
    Drivers can use the dwPixelFormatData element, if it is necessary to store more detailed information about a particular mode or its surface type. The value of this field is ignored by DDGPE.
  • lPitch
    Identifies the pitch of the specified mode.
  • dwFlags
    Flags for the current surface. This field should be set to zero (0).
  • dwRBitMask
    Indicates the red bit mask for surfaces in the current mode.
  • dwGBitMask
    Indicates the green bit mask for surfaces in the current mode.
  • dwBBitMask
    Indicates the blue bit mask for surfaces in the current mode.
  • dwAlphaBitMask
    Indicates the alpha bit mask for surfaces in the current mode.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddgpe.h.
Link Library: Ddgpe.lib.

See Also

GPEMode | DDGPEStandardHeader | EDDGPEPixelFormat | DDGPE Data Structures, Types, and Constants

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