
WSPEnumNetworkEvents (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function reports occurrences of network events for the indicated socket.

int WSPEnumNetworkEvents(SOCKET s,WSAEVENT hEventObject,LPWSANETWORKEVENTS lpNetworkEvents,LPINT lpErrno );


  • s
    [in] Descriptor identifying the socket.
  • hEventObject
    [in] An optional handle identifying an associated event object to be reset.
  • lpNetworkEvents
    [out] Pointer to a WSANETWORKEVENTS structure that is filled with a record of occurred network events and any associated error codes. The WSANETWORKEVENTS structure is defined in the following text.
  • lpErrno
    [out] Pointer to the error code.

Return Values

The return value is zero if the operation was successful. Otherwise, the value SOCKET_ERROR is returned, and a specific error number is available in lpErrno.

The following table shows the possible error codes.

Error value Description
WSAENETDOWN Network subsystem has failed.
WSAEINVAL Indicates that one of the specified parameters was invalid.
WSAEINPROGRESS A blocking Windows Sockets call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function.
WSAENOTSOCK Descriptor is not a socket.


This function is used to report network events that have occurred for the indicated socket since the last invocation of this function. It is intended for use in conjunction with WSPEventSelect, which associates an event object with one or more network events. Recording of network events commences when WSPEventSelect is called with a nonzero lNetworkEvents parameter and remains in effect until another call is made to WSPEventSelect with the lNetworkEvents parameter set to zero.

This function only reports network activity and errors nominated through WSPEventSelect. See the description of WSPSelect to find out how this function reports network activity and errors.

The socket's internal record of network events is copied to the structure referenced by lpNetworkEvents, after which the internal network events record is cleared. If hEventObject is non-NULL, the indicated event object is also reset. The Windows Sockets provider guarantees that the operations of copying the network event record, clearing it, and resetting any associated event object are atomic, such that the next occurrence of a nominated network event will cause the event object to become set. In the case of this function returning SOCKET_ERROR, the associated event object is not reset and the record of network events is not cleared.

The following code sample shows how the WSANETWORKEVENTS structure is defined.

typedef struct _WSANETWORKEVENTS {
       long lNetworkEvents;
       int iErrorCode[FD_MAX_EVENTS];

The **lNetworkEventmember of the structure indicates which of the FD_XXX network events have occurred. The iErrorCode array is used to contain any associated error codes, with array index corresponding to the position of event bits in lNetworkEvents. The identifiers such as FD_READ_BIT and FD_WRITE_BIT can be used to index the **iErrorCodearray.

Note that only those elements of the iErrorCode array are set that correspond to the bits set in lNetworkEvents member. Other members are not modified (this is important for backward compatibility with the Windows Socket 2 SPI clients that are not aware of new FD_ROUTING_INTERFACE_CHANGE and FD_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE events).

The following tables show the error codes that can be returned along with the respective network event.


Error Value Description
WSAEAFNOSUPPORT Addresses in the specified family cannot be used with this socket.
WSAECONNREFUSED Attempt to connect was forcefully rejected.
WSAENETUNREACH Network cannot be reached from this host at this time.
WSAENOBUFS No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be connected.
WSAETIMEDOUT Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection.


Error Value Description
WSAENETDOWN Network subsystem has failed.
WSAECONNRESET Connection was reset by the remote side.
WSAECONNABORTED Connection was terminated due to a time-out or other failure.

Event: FD_READ


Event: FD_OOB




Error Value Description
WSAENETUNREACH Specified destination is no longer reachable.
WSAENETDOWN Network subsystem has failed.
Error Value Description
WSAENETDOWN Network subsystem has failed.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ws2spi.h.
Link Library: Ws2.lib.

See Also


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