
DDKReg_GetWindowInfo (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function fills the DDKWINDOWINFO structure with information it reads from the registry. This information includes everything a driver must have to map its memory windows.



  • hk
    [in] Handle to a registry key.

  • pwi
    [out] Pointer to a DDKWINDOWINFO structure.

    The following table shows the registry values this function retrieves.

    Registry value Registry type Data structure member Default value if the registry value is not present
    BusNumber REG_DWORD dwBusNumber Zero if there is no entry.

    See INTERFACE_TYPE for possible values.

    REG_DWORD dwInterfaceType InterfaceTypeUndefined
    Number of I/O windows. This value is not in the registry. dwNumIoWindows This value is derived from the number of matching window and size pairs in the IoBase and IoLen registry values, and can be zero (0).
    IoBase and IoLen REG_DWORD if a single value, REG_MULTI_SZ if multiple values. String values are represented in hexadecimal in the registry. ioWindows Undefined. Read dwNumIoWindows before accessing members of this array.
    Number of memory windows. This value is not in the registry dwNumMemWindows This value is derived from the number of matching window and size pairs in the MemBase and MemLen registry values, and can be zero (0).
    MemBase and MemLen REG_DWORD if a single value, REG_MULTI_SZ if multiple values. String values are represented in hexadecimal in the registry. memWindows Undefined. Read dwNumMemWindows before accessing members of this array.

Return Values

The following table shows the return values for this function.

Value Description
ERROR_SUCCESS Indicates that the DDKReg_GetWindowInfo successfully populated the DDKWINDOWINFO structure.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Indicates a problem with the populated DDKWINDOWINFO structure.
ERROR_INVALID_DATA Indicates that a registry value had an unexpected type, or that device window address and length lists did not have the same length.
Any other return value Indicates a return code defined in Winerror.h.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ddkreg.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

DDKWINDOWINFO | INTERFACE_TYPE | Interrupts | Loading Device Drivers | PCI Bus Driver

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