
USB Host Controller Driver PDD Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows functions contained in the platform dependent driver (PDD) for the USB open host controller (OHC) driver.

Programming element Description
HcdPdd_CheckConfigPower This function checks power for a requested configuration.
HcdPdd_Close This function is the host controller driver close function.
HcdPdd_Deinit This function is the HC driver de-initialization routine.
HcdPdd_DllMain This function is the main dynamic-link library (DLL) entry point for the PDD portion of a host controller interface (HCI) driver.
HcdPdd_Init This function initializes a HCI and any platform-specific hardware and structures.
HcdPdd_IOControl This function is the host controller driver IOCTL routine.
HcdPdd_Open This function is the host controller driver open routine.
HcdPdd_PowerDown This function is the host controller driver power-off handler.
HcdPdd_PowerUp This function is the host controller driver power-up handler.
HcdPdd_Read This function is the host controller driver read routine.
HcdPdd_Seek This function is the host controller driver seek routine.
HcdPdd_Write This function is the host controller driver write routine.

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