
MIB_IPADDRROW (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure specifies information for a particular IP address.

typedef struct _MIB_IPADDRROW {DWORDdwAddr;DWORDdwIndex;DWORDdwMask;DWORDdwBCastAddr;DWORDdwReasmSize;unsignedshortunused1;unsignedshortunused2;} MIB_IPADDRROW,*PMIB_IPADDRROW;


  • dwAddr
    The IP address.
  • dwIndex
    The index of the interface associated with this IP address.
  • dwMask
    The subnet mask for the IP address.
  • dwBCastAddr
    The broadcast address. A broadcast address is typically the IP address with the host portion set to either all zeros or all ones.
  • dwReasmSize
    The maximum reassembly size for received datagrams.
  • unused1
    This member is reserved.
  • unused2
    This member is reserved.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Iprtrmib.h.

See Also

IP Helper Structures | MIB_IPADDRTABLE

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