
Downloading a Run-Time Image (Windows CE 5.0)

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Using the Target menu in the IDE, you can download a run-time image to a target device.

To download a run-time image

  1. Configure a connection to the target device.

    For information about configuring a connection for debugging, see Configuring a Connection for Downloading and Debugging.

  2. From the Target menu, choose Attach Device.

    **Note   **You might need to reset the target device before the download can begin. For more information, see Resetting a Target Device.

    A dialog box displays a progress indicator for the download.

For a target device with flash memory, you can jump to a run-time image that already exists in memory. For information about jumping to a run-time image, see Jumping to a Run-Time Image on the Target Device.

See Also

Canceling the Download of a Run-Time Image

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