
CETK Tool Operation (Windows CE 5.0)

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In the Windows CE Test Kit (CETK) window, you can select and then run tests on a Windows CE–based device and view the results of the tests. The CETK window displays the target devices to which the CETK is connected and shows the active test kit for each target device. For more information about test kits, see Test Kits in the CETK.

For the active test kit, the CETK window shows categories of peripheral devices detected by the CETK. Under each category, the CETK window shows the individual tests that you can run on the target device. For each target device, you can enable or disable any test by selecting or clearing the check box next to the test.

If you right-click on a target device name, a menu appears from which you can query again the peripheral devices installed on the target device, remove the target device from the CETK window, or specify where on the target device to store files for CETK tests.

If you right-click on the active test kit for a target device, a menu appears from which you can select all or deselect all tests for the target device and start the tests that are selected for the target device. For more information about starting a test, see Running CETK Tests.

For information about menus in the CETK window, see CETK Menu Options.

See Also

Windows CE Test Kit | How to Use the CETK to Test a Driver | Editing the Command Line for a Test | Viewing the Results of a Test | Creating a Suite of Tests | Adding a Custom Test to the CETK

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