
TAPI Line Device Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the TAPI 2.0 line device functions that are supported by Windows CE.

Function Description Category Asynchronous?
lineAccept Accepts the specified offered call. Call Accept and Redirect Yes
lineAddProvider Installs a new TSP into the telephony system. Service Provider Management No
lineAddToConference Adds the call that is specified by the hConsultCall parameter to the conference call that is specified by the hConfCal parameter. Call Conference Yes
lineAnswer Answers the specified offering call. Answering Inbound Calls Yes
lineBlindTransfer Performs a blind or single-step transfer of the specified call to the specified destination address. Call Transfer Yes
lineCallbackFunc Is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. Callback Function  
lineClose Closes the specified open line device. Opening and Closing Line Devices  
lineCompleteTransfer Completes the transfer of the specified call. Call Transfer Yes
lineConfigDialogEdit Causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box (attached to the hwndOwner parameter of the application) to allow the user to configure parameters that are related to the line device. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineDeallocateCall Deallocates the specified call handle. Call Drop Functions No
lineDevSpecific Enables service providers to provide access to features that are not offered by other TAPI functions. Extended Telephony APIs for Line Devices Yes
lineDial Dials the specified dialable number on the specified call. Making Calls Yes
lineDrop Drops or disconnects the specified call. Call Drop Functions Yes
lineForward Forwards calls that are destined for the specified address on the specified line, according to the specified forwarding instructions. Call Forwarding Yes
lineGenerateDigits Initiates the generation of the specified digits on the specified call as inband tones by using the specified signaling mode. Generating Inband Digits and Tones No
lineGenerateTone (function) Generates the specified inband tone over the specified call. Generating Inband Digits and Tones No
lineGetAddressCaps Returns the telephony capabilities of an address. Addresses No
lineGetAddressID Retrieves the address ID of an address that is specified. Addresses No
lineGetAddressStatus Returns current status of a specified address. Addresses No
lineGetAppPriority Gets the application's priority for a specific media mode. Application Priority No
lineGetCallInfo Enables an application to obtain information about the specified call. Call States and Events No
lineGetCallStatus Returns the current status of the specified call. Call States and Events No
lineGetConfRelatedCalls Returns a list of all calls in a specific conference. Call Handle Manipulation No
lineGetDevCaps Queries a specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineGetDevConfig Returns an "opaque" data structure object, the contents of which are specific to the line (service provider) and device class. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineGetIcon Allows an application to retrieve a service line device-specific (or provider-specific) icon for display to the user. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineGetID Returns a device identifier for the specified device class that is associated with the selected line, address, or call. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineGetLineDevStatus Enables an application to query the specified open line device for its current status. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineGetMessage Returns next TAPI application message and optionally waits for a new message. TAPI Initialization No
lineGetNewCalls Returns list of new calls on a specified line device. Call Handle Manipulation No
lineGetNumRings Determines the number of times that an incoming call on the given address should ring prior to the call being answered. Toll Saver Support No
lineGetProviderList Returns list of TAPI service providers that currently are installed. Service Provider Management No
lineGetStatusMessages Indicates, which status messages an applications will receive. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineGetTranslateCaps Returns address translation capabilities. Address Formats No
lineHandoff Gives ownership of the specified call to another application. Call Handle Manipulation No
lineHold Places the specified call on hold. Call Hold Yes
lineInitialize Initializes the use of TAPI by the application for subsequent use of the line abstraction. TAPI Initialization and Shutdown No
lineInitializeEx Initializes the use of TAPI by the application for subsequent use of the line abstraction. TAPI Initialization and Shutdown No
lineMakeCall Places a call on the specified line to the specified destination address. Making Calls Yes
lineMonitorDigits Enables and disables the unbuffered detection of digits that are received on the call. Digit Monitoring No
lineMonitorMedia Enables and disables the detection of media types that are specified for the call. Media Monitoring No
lineNegotiateAPIVersion Allows an application to negotiate the API version to use. Line Version Negotiation No
lineNegotiateExtVersion Allows an application to negotiate the extension version to use with the specified line device. Extended Telephony Functions for Line Devices No
lineOpen Opens the line device that is specified by its device identifier, and returns a line handle for the corresponding opened line device. Opening and Closing Line Devices No
linePickup Picks up a call that is alerting at the specified destination, address and returns a call handle for the picked-up call. Call Pickup Yes
linePrepareAddToConference Prepares an existing conference call for the addition of another party. Call Conference Yes
lineRedirect Redirects the specified offering call to the specified destination address. Call Accept and Redirect Yes
lineReleaseUserUserInfo Informs the service provider that the application has processed the user-user information that is contained in the LINECALLINFO structure, and that subsequently received user-user information now can be written into that structure. Sending Information to Remote Party Yes
lineRemoveFromConference Removes the specified call from the conference call to which it currently belongs. Call Conference Yes
lineSendUserUserInfo Sends user-user information to the remote party on the specified call. Sending Information to Remote Party Yes
lineSetAppPriority Sets the priority of the specified application for the specified media mode. Application Priority No
lineSetCallParams Allows an application to change bearer mode and/or the rate parameters of an existing call. Bearer Mode and Rate Yes
lineSetCallPrivilege Sets the privilege of the application to the specified privilege for the specified call. Call Privilege Control No
lineSetCurrentLocation Sets the location that is used as the context for address translation. Address Formats No
lineSetDevConfig Allows the application to configure a line device to a setup that previously was obtained by using the lineGetDevConfig or the lineConfigDialogEdit function. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineSetMediaMode Sets the media modes of the specified call. Media Control No
lineSetNumRings Sets the number of rings that must occur before an incoming call is answered. Toll Saver Support No
lineSetStatusMessages Enables an application to specify which notification messages to receive for events that are related to status changes for the specified line or any of its addresses. Line Status and Capabilities No
lineSetTerminal Enables an application to specify which terminal information that is related to the specified line, address, or call is to be routed. Setting a Terminal for Phone Conversations Yes
lineSetTollList Manipulates the toll list.   No
lineSetupConference Sets up a conference call for the addition of a third party. Call Conference Yes
lineSetupTransfer Initiates a transfer of the call specified by the hCall parameter.   Yes
lineShutdown Shuts down the usage by the application of the line abstraction of the API. TAPI Initialization and Shutdown No
lineSwapHold Swaps the specified active call with the specified call on consultation hold. Call Pickup Yes
lineTranslateAddress Translates between an address in canonical form and an address in dialable form. Address Formats No
lineTranslateDialog (TAPI) Displays an application-modal dialog box that allows the user to change the current location of a telephone number that is about to be dialed, adjust location and calling-card parameters, and see the effect. Location and Country/Region Information No
lineUnhold Retrieves the specified held call. Call Hold Yes

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