
NETLOG (Windows CE 5.0)

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This module manages and implements the Netlog tool for the Remote Configuration Framework. For more information, see Netlog.

The following table shows the configurable settings for NETLOG.

Value : Type Access Index Description
USB : DWORD Read-write Not applicable If this value is set to 1, capturing over USB is enabled.
Stopped : DWORD Read-only Not applicable If this value is set to 1, Netlog is stopped.
LogName : STRING Read-only Not applicable Specifies the name of the log.
PacketSize : DWORD Read-write Not applicable Specifies the maximum packet size captured, in bytes.
HalfCaptureSize : DWORD Read-write Not applicable Specifies the maximum size of each of the two log files (netlog0.cap and netlog1.cap), in which Netlog stores logging data.
Load : DWORD Write-only Not applicable If this value is set to 1, Netlog is loaded. If this value is set to 0, Netlog is unloaded.
Start : DWORD Write-only Not applicable If this value is set to 1, Netlog is started. If this value is set to 0, Netlog is stopped.
ClearLog : DWORD Write-only Not applicable If this value is set to 1, Netlog is stopped, and the log is cleared.

See Also

Remote Configuration Framework Modules

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