
Connection, Timeout, Interval and Event Properties of IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can set and retrieve properties related to idle time, connection, and shutdown timeouts; persistent connections; the connection port; the connection drop-down bar; and other connection, interval and event properties.

The following table shows the properties you can set and retrieve.

Property Description
ConnectToServerConsole Value that specifies whether the control should attempt to connect to the console session of a server. The default value is VARIANT_FALSE, which specifies that the control should not attempt to connect to the console. Note, however, that VARIANT_TRUE (which specifies that the control should attempt to connect to the console) is not supported.
DisplayConnectionBar Specifies whether to use the connection bar. The default value is VARIANT_TRUE, which enables the property.
GrabFocusOnConnect Specifies whether the client control should have the focus while connecting. Setting this property to VARIANT_FALSE prevents the control from having the focus while connecting.

The control does not attempt to grab focus from a window that is running in a different process.

InputEventsAtOnce Typical number of input events to batch together. The default value is 10.
KeepAliveInterval Interval, in milliseconds, at which the client sends keep-alive messages to the server. The default value is zero, which disables keep-alive messages.

This setting is different from the Group Policy setting that specifies whether persistent client connections to the server are allowed. One setting does not affect the other.

MaxEventCount Maximum number of input events to batch together. The default value is 100.
MinInputSendInterval Minimum interval, in milliseconds, between the sending of mouse events. The default value is 100.
MinutesToIdleTimeout Maximum length of time, in minutes, that the client should remain connected when there is no user input. If the specified time elapses, the control calls IMsTscAxEvents::OnIdleTimeoutNotification. The default value is zero, which disables the MinutesToIdleTimeout.

You can use this property in situations when you need to disconnect an idle session, such as a kiosk environment.

OverallConnectionTimeout Total length of time, in seconds, the client control waits for a connection to complete. If the specified time elapses before connection completes, the control disconnects and calls the IMsTscAxEvents::OnDisconnected method.

SingleConnectionTimeout is a related property.

PinConnectionBar State of the UI connection bar.

VARIANT_TRUE sets the state to "lowered" — the bar is invisible to the user and unavailable for input.

VARIANT_FALSE sets the state to "raised" and available for user input. Users can choose to minimize the control, exit full-screen mode, and disconnect.

RDPPort Connection port. The default value is 3389.
ShutdownTimeout Length of time, in seconds, to wait for the server to respond to a disconnection request. If the server does not reply within the specified time, the client control disconnects. The default value is 10 seconds.
SingleConnectionTimeout Maximum time, in seconds, the client control waits for connection to an IP address. (During connection the control may attempt to connect to multiple IP addresses.) A related property is OverallConnectionTimeout, which specifies the maximum time for all attempts.

See Also

IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings Property Descriptions

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