
Cleanup (Compact 7)


In addition to the previous changes you made for porting your Windows CE 5.0 BSP, you may need to make the following changes to your BSP before it can run on Windows Embedded CE 6.0. These cleanup changes include the removal of page pool flags and the deprecation of several functions and some IOCTLs.

Remove Page Pool Flags

In Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and Windows Embedded Compact 7, you specify the page pool by adding and customizing the following fix-up variables within the config.bib file for the platform:

kernel.dll:LoaderPoolTarget             00000000 00300000 FIXUPVAR
kernel.dll:LoaderPoolMaximum            00000000 00800000 FIXUPVAR
kernel.dll:FilePoolTarget               00000000 00100000 FIXUPVAR
kernel.dll:FilePoolMaximum              00000000 00A00000 FIXUPVAR

Next, remove all references to IMGPAGINGPOOL and PAGINGPOOLSIZE from your BSP.

Remove Deprecated Functions

The following functions are deprecated because of the new memory model in Windows Embedded CE 6.0. You must remove these functions from your code base. Stub functions are present so that existing code can continue to call these functions without generating compiler or linker errors.

  • CeZeroPointer
  • GetCurrentPermissions
  • MapPtrToProcess   (Replaced with CeOpenCallerBuffer and CeCloseCallerBuffer)
  • MapCallerPtr   (Replaced with CeOpenCallerBuffer, CeCloseCallerBuffer, CeAllocAsynchronousBuffer, and CeFreeAsynchronousBuffer)
  • SetKMode
  • SetProcPermissions
  • UnMapPtr

For more information, see Deprecated Functions.

Remove Deprecated IOCTLs

The IOCTL_HAL_GETREGSECUREKEYS and DEVFLAGS_TRUSTEDCALLERONLY have been deprecated due to changes in Windows Embedded CE 6.0.


The Windows Embedded CE 6.0 security model eliminates the need for this IOCTL. You can remove it from your code.


The Windows Embedded CE 6.0 security model eliminates the need for this IOCTL. The Device Manager no longer checks the DEVFLAGS_TRUSTEDCALLERONLY flag to restrict access to the drivers that use this flag. You can remove it from your code.

See Also


Migrate from CE 5.0 to CE 6.0