
Support Power Management (Compact 2013)


Power Manager is a system software component that manages device power to improve overall OS power efficiency. For more information about power management in Windows Embedded Compact, see Power Management Architecture.

You can add power management support to your device driver to reduce power consumption on your target platform. To do this, your driver must support the stream interface. For more information about the stream interface, see Stream Drivers.

After you implement the stream interface in your device driver, you can add power management support by adding power management IOCTL functionality to your driver, by notifying Power Manager that your driver has power management capability, and by implementing device power states. We recommend that you use power management IOCTLs to manage power to your device instead of using the XXX_PowerUp (Device Manager) and XXX_PowerDown (Device Manager) stream interface functions.

In This Section

  • Notify Power Manager
    Describes how you notify Power Manager of your device driver power management capabilities and lists the power management interfaces.

See Also


Implement Your Device Driver