
Update the Data (Optional) (Compact 7)


You can extend your application to support dynamic data collections.

Data from a data provider can change periodically. For example, new email messages appear in a user’s Inbox, television program listings change each day, and a user might add songs to a media playlist. When new data is available in the data provider, the application can update the collection.

You can programmatically update data by doing the following:

  • Updating properties in an existing object
  • Adding, removing, or replacing objects in an existing collection

The programming steps that are required to implement checking for new data or receiving notifications when new data is available are beyond the scope of this white paper. These steps will be specific to your implementation and your purpose for populating elements in your Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Embedded UI with dynamic data. General guidelines for connecting to a data provider to check for new data are provided in Connect to a Data Provider.

If you decide to implement functionality for dynamic data collections, make sure that you implement a mechanism that retrieves update data synchronously from the data provider. The mechanism must work correctly with the UI threading model so that the UI thread is blocked while the application is updating data.

In This Section

See Also


Populate a Silverlight for Windows Embedded UI with Collections of Data