
Winsock Performance Test (Compact 2013)


This section guides you through running the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK) Windows Sockets 2 (Winsock) Performance Test. The Winsock Performance Test is a client/server network performance test that operates at the Winsock level. The test measures send and receive throughput, packet loss, and round trip time across any network connection that uses a protocol that the Winsock API supports. The Graph Tool can graph the results of this test. For more information, see Graph Tool. The following steps guide you through the process of running the Winsock Performance Test.

Run the Winsock Performance Test Command in Platform Builder 

A device must be running and attached to Platform Builder before you can connect to the device from the Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit (CTK). For more information, see Connect to a Device.

To run the Winsock Performance Test, you must first execute a command in Platform Builder to run the server part of the Winsock Performance Test before starting the Winsock Performance Test in the Windows Embedded CTK.

Before executing the command to run the server part of the Winsock Performance Test, Platform Builder must be attached to the device that you are going to connect to from the CTK to run the Winsock Performance Test.

To execute the Winsock Performance Test command in Platform Builder 

  1. In Platform Builder, on the Target menu, click Target Control.

  2. At the Window CE command prompt, type s perf_winsockd2 -debug and then press Enter.

You are now ready to run the Winsock Performance Test in the Windows Embedded CTK.

Create a Winsock Performance Test Template

Before creating a test pass, you must create a template to base the test pass on. For more information, see Create a Test Pass.

To create a Winsock Performance test pass template

  1. In the CTK, on the File menu, point to New, and then click Test Pass Template.

  2. In the Test Manager window, on the Test Pass Templates tab on the right, under Edit Templates, click the New button.

  3. In the new template file name box that appears, type Winsock Performance to rename the template from New Template.

  4. In the Test Case Explorer tree view pane, expand Windows Embedded Test Catalog.

  5. Double-click the Networking folder.

  6. Double-click Ethernet.

  7. Click Winsock Performance Test, and then click the Add button to add the selected test to the new Winsock Performance template.

  8. Click Done to exit Test Manager.

You are now ready to create a test pass from the template that you just created and saved.

Create a Winsock Performance Test Pass

After you create the test pass template, you can create a test pass.

You must first be connected to a device before you can create a test pass. Connect to the device that you have attached to Platform Builder by running the Window CE Window CE>s perf_winsockd2 -debug command as described in the **To execute the Winsock Performance Test command in Platform Builder ** procedure, if you have not already done so.

To create a Winsock Performance test pass from the template

  1. In the CTK, on the View menu, click Test Pass Templates View.

  2. In the Test Case Explorer window, on the Test Pass Templates View tab, right-click the Winsock Performance template, and then click Use as Current Test Pass.


    If Use as Current Test Pass is not available on the shortcut menu, you probably are not connected to a device.

  3. In the Test Pass display window, click the new test pass Windows Embedded that is highlighted, and then type Winsock Performance Pass to rename it.


    If a test pass was already in the Test pass display window, you will be asked if you want to save the current test pass before a new test pass is created.

Run the Winsock Performance Test

After the Winsock Performance Test has been added to a test pass, you can run the test.

To run the Winsock Performance test

  1. In the Test pass display window, expand Winsock Performance Pass.

  2. Click Winsock Performance Test.

  3. If the Properties window is not visible, on the View menu, click Properties Window.

  4. In the Current Command Line box, change server_ip to localhost and ip_version to 4 in the command:
    -o -d perf_winsock2 -c"-s server_ip -i ip_version -l true"

  5. Right-click Winsock Performance Test, and then click Run Test.

  6. In the Test pass display window, right-click Winsock Performance Test, and then click Start Test.

  7. The green status bar at the bottom of the CTK main window displays the progress of the test. When the Winsock Performance Test [In Progress] status changes to Winsock Performance Test [Passed], the test run is complete and you can view the results.

For information about reviewing the test results, see Graph Tool.

See Also


Compact Test Kit Overview