
Download Transport (Boot Loader) (Compact 7)


The download transport copies the run-time image onto the device by using Ethernet, USB, or serial transfer. Most often, an Ethernet connection is used to download the run-time image to the device. You can also use the Ethernet connection to communicate with the development computer for debugging by using KITL.

The header file that defines the Ethernet interface is Public\Common\OAK\Inc\halether.h. The Ethernet functions are typically linked into eboot.lib.

The following are typical Ethernet code locations:

  • Platform\<BSP Name>\Src\Bootloader
  • Platform\<BSP Name>\Src\Bootloader\Eboot
  • Platform\<BSP Name>\Src\Boot\Eboot

There are also common Ethernet libraries that support specific Ethernet cards in Platform\Common\Src\Common\ethdrv.

The following table lists the main download transport and Ethernet functions. For more information, see Boot Loader Download Functions.

Purpose Function name Typical file name

Initializes the download transport (along with other pre-download initializations)



Reads data from the download transport



Sends and receives data over an Ethernet connection

OEMEthGetFrame, OEMEthSendFrame

ether.c, eth.c, main.c

For an example of the function calls that are used when downloading a run-time image into flash memory on a device, see Flash Memory (Boot Loader).

See Also


Boot Loader Code Overview