
Create a Stand-Alone OS Design for Virtual CEPC (Compact 7)


You begin the process of creating a stand-alone virtual CEPC by creating an OS design that runs in stand-alone mode. Your OS run-time image must have a network driver enabled to provide communication and it must have storage and file system drivers enabled so that it can access files in the VHD. In addition, you may need to enable other catalog items in your OS design, depending on your application development needs. Finally, you must disable KITL transport in your OS design because your OS will not communicate with Platform Builder. This topic explains how to configure these settings in your OS design.

Disabling KITL

KITL is enabled by default. If your OS design has KITL enabled use the following steps to disable it.

To disable KITL in your OS design

  1. Open your OS design project in Platform Builder.

  2. On the Project menu, click <Your Project Name> Properties. For example, if your project name is VIRTUAL CEPC, you would click VIRTUAL CEPC Properties.

  3. In the Property Pages dialog box, under Build Options, select Enable KITL, and then change its setting to No (IMGNOKITL=1) as shown in the following figure.

    Disabling KITL

  4. Click OK to save this setting.

Enabling the Network Driver

For your stand-alone virtual CEPC to communicate with Platform Builder, you must enable the device driver for the virtual DEC 21x40 Ethernet device that is simulated by virtual CEPC. Your virtual CEPC uses this virtual network device to communicate with the physical network that your host computer uses. It also uses this device to communicate with your host computer’s loopback adapter if that is what you are using. For information about using the loopback adapter, see Use Virtual CEPC Without a Network.

To enable the networking driver

  1. In Platform Builder, open your OS design project.

  2. In the Catalog Items View pane, expand BSP, Virtual PC : x86, Device Drivers, and then Networking.

  3. Select DEC 21x40 Ethernet.

  4. On the File menu, click Save All to save your changes.

The BSP_NIC_DC21X4 network driver in your OS design is now enabled.

Enabling the File System

Your stand-alone virtual CEPC must be able to mount the FAT32 file system partition in your VHD so it can access files that your virtual CEPC needs for communicating with Platform Builder. To make this possible, your OS design must have the following catalog items enabled:

  • Storage Block Driver
  • Storage Manager
  • Partition Driver
  • FAT File System

Use the following steps to enable these catalog items.

To enable the Storage Block Driver

  1. In Platform Builder, open your OS design.

  2. In the Catalog Items View pane, expand Core OS, Windows Embedded Compact, Device Drivers, and then Storage Devices.

  3. Select ATAPI PCI Support.

  4. Expand ATAPI PCI Support, and then select Basic ATAPI PCI CD/DVD-ROM Support.

  5. Expand Basic ATAPI PCI CD/DVD-ROM Support, and then select ATAPI PCI/IDE Storage Block Device Driver.

  6. On the File menu, click Save All to save your changes.

The Sysgen variable SYSGEN_ATAPI is now added to your OS design, together with the Sysgen variables that SYSGEN_ATAPI depends upon, such as SYSGEN_ATAPI_PCIO and SYSGEN_ATAPI_PCIO_CD.

Note that this storage block driver does not access physical ATAPI or PCI devices in your host computer. Instead, it communicates with a simulated ATAPI device that virtual CEPC uses for accessing your VHD.

To enable the Storage Manager, Partition Driver, and FAT File System

  1. In Platform Builder, open your OS design.

  2. In the Catalog Items View pane, expand Core OS, Windows Embedded Compact, and then File Systems and Data Store.

  3. Select Storage Manager.

  4. Expand Storage Manager, and then select FAT File System and Partition Driver.

  5. On the Platform Builder File menu, click Save All to save your changes.

These steps enable the Sysgen variables SYSGEN_STOREMGR, SYSGEN_FATFS, and SYSGEN_MSPART in your OS design.

Enabling Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Embedded 

If you are creating applications that use Silverlight for Windows Embedded, you must enable the Silverlight for Windows Embedded catalog item in your OS design.

To enable Silverlight for Windows Embedded 

  1. In Platform Builder, open your OS design project.

  2. In the Catalog Items View pane, expand Core OS, Windows Embedded Compact, Shell and User Interface, and then **Silverlight for Windows Embedded **.

  3. Select **Silverlight for Windows Embedded **.

  4. On the File menu, click Save All to save your changes.

These steps enable the Sysgen variable SYSGEN_XAML_RUNTIME in your OS design.

Rebuilding Your OS Design

After you have disabled KITL and enabled the necessary catalog items, you are ready to rebuild your OS design. On the Build menu, click Rebuild Solution. When the build completes, your OS design image (NK.bin) will have KITL disabled and the necessary catalog items enabled so that it can boot in a stand-alone virtual CEPC.

See Also


Create a Stand-Alone Virtual CEPC