
Inside MTP Responder (Compact 7)


MTP Responder for Windows Embedded Compact 7 uses Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) to connect an embedded device with a host computer running Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP so that device information and files can be transferred and synchronized between the host computer and the device. Devices running Compact 7 also support Windows Media Player and Windows Explorer operations on host computers running Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP.

MTP Responder for Compact 7 is based on the MTP responder in the Windows 7 Portable Device Enabling Kit for MTP, version 7R2. This kit contains the source code for the reference implementations of an MTP initiator and an MTP responder. Microsoft derived MTP Responder from the reference MTP responder in this kit and added functionality so that devices running Compact 7 support Device Stage operations on host computers running Windows 7.

This guide assumes that you have read MTP Responder Deployment, that you have included MTP Responder catalog items in your OS design, and that you have configured MTP Responder registry settings in your device to support Windows Media Player and Device Stage.

This guide explains the internal design and configurable aspects of the major components of MTP Responder. The following sections provide information that you can use to customize these components, optimize their operating performance, and implement enhancements for your device. This guide also provides information about the source code provided with MTP Responder and lists sources of additional information to help you understand how to modify the code to fully support the features and functionality of your device.

In This Section

To learn more about Windows 7 Device Stage, see the following resources:

See Also

